Thursday, April 16, 2009

Taxation and Spending are at the heart of issues #1

Everyone Should Pay Income Taxes
It's bad for our democracy to exempt half the country.
...redistribution of income... the 10%...that makes more than $92,400 a year -- pay ...72.8% in 2005 from 67.8% in 2001...the 2001 tax cut reduced taxes for every income-tax payer in the country...reduced the bottom tax rate to 10% from 15%...child tax credit to $1,000 from $500 per child...those who made less than $44,300 in 2001 -- 60% of the country -- paid a paltry 3.3% of all income taxes. By 2005, almost all excused from...any income tax. They paid less than 1% of the income tax burden. Their share shrank even when taking into account the payroll tax. In 2001, the bottom 60% paid 16.3% of all taxes; by 2005 their share was down to 14.3%. ...this large group of voters made 25.8% of the nation's income....almost 26% of the income and you pay only 0.6% of the income tax, that's a good deal,...For the bottom 40%, the redistribution deal is even better. In 2001, these 43 million Americans, who earn less than $30,500, made 13.5% of the nation's income but paid no income tax. Instead, they received checks from their taxpaying neighbors worth $16.3 billion. By 2005, those checks totaled $33.3 billion.Obama..Democrats want the "wealthy" to pay even more so there is more money for them to redistribute...."fair share."...Is it fair for 10% to pay 70% of the income tax? Does he believe they should pay 75%, or 95%, or it all? ..."Make Work Pay" tax cut...means almost 50% of the country will no longer pay any income taxes, up from a little over 40% today....when 50% of the country gets benefits without paying for them and an increasingly smaller number of taxpayers foot the bill, ...(the system won't work.)
...Under an Economic Growth Code, income taxes --
****Not only is Ari Fleischer correct, and makes the right arguments, but it's amazing that the points have to be resurrected. Ari stotle recognized them almost two and a half millennia ago when he pointed out that democracy couldn't survive when a majority could offload the burden of taxation onto a minority and thus "destroy the polis." Surely it must be that liberals either don't know history or deliberately erase its lessons from their memories. Caring for the weak is a societal function but when the productive are taxed for the benefit of the unproductive, the former will join the latter killing growth and prosperity.****

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