Thursday, April 23, 2009

The End of Israel Predicted -- with a corollary.

Farewell to Zion. Forever. By Cliff Thier
...The end of the Jewish state is all too thinkable.Passover ...celebration of waiting, and patience, and liberation....a prayer that ends with "next year in Jerusalem" ...recited for almost two thousand years... Jews ...barely tolerated guests in other countries....chased out of one...after another....a longing and need to finally settle in one place...from which no one could ever chase they would no longer be guests....still recited today even though Jews have exercised sovereignty in parts of Jerusalem for more than 60 years, and all of it for more than 40. This year of the last that "next year in Jerusalem" will be said at Jewish tables... while there still are Jews in Jerusalem....will revert to the same lament it was since the year 70, when the Romans threw the Jews out of Jerusalem and razed the city....You'd have to be a fool, willfully blind, an American Jew even, not to see it.... If there is to be an Israel two years from now, it must flatten the Iranian nuclear program immediately... it is already too late. Time has run out. ... nothing that can be done to save it. Thoughts will all too soon turn to saving and resettling the six million Jews who now live there.****Why did Obama's Seder substitute "White House" for "Jerusalem?"***
Obama ...accept nuclear...intercontinental ballistic missiles in the hands of Iran's mullahs. Any chance...ended on election night 2008....Israel will not be able to do it. ... because Barack Obama will order the United States Air Force to stand in its way...the United States separates Israel and Iran. Obama would have to give his okay for Israel to pass. Obama will not. ... he will have the United States erect an armed barrier to Israel....evidence piled up is the size of a mountain. Obama has surrounded himself with friends and foreign policy advisors who believe the world will be a better place once that sore called Israel is gone. These are not secret haters of Israel but open and proud haters of Israel. ... Obama is like-minded.
Please.... need only look at the photograph of Obama bowing before the robed ...King of Saudi Arabia, ...writes the checks...for the Salafist schools...teach that Jews...deserve death. Bowing is not ...exchanged between equals in the Saudi's world. ... the person inferior to the person receiving the bow. act of supplication. ...No president before Obama ever bowed before a foreign leader, let alone of Mecca and act of submission to a brutal dictator...of a country in which Christians... women are discriminated against...provides the funds that make international mass murder possible. ... rest assured that in the Saudis' world, it is getting plenty of viewing. one misunderstands the significance of Obama's bow. ...the mullahs understand America's bowing down very well.... using powerful body language, acknowledged the superiority of the guardian of Mecca and Medina over the President of the United States. Israel was our old friend....Saudi Arabia our new friend. Things change....
The minute Iran has the bomb, Israel will begin to shrink. ... Israelis will vacant...unable to fill job openings... armed forces...combining brigades and companies. Iran won't even have to fire a nuclear warhead at Israel to destroy it. The certainty that Iran can incinerate Israel...that Iran will shortly do so, will be enough...they either must leave or be turned to ash ...economy and polity will lose viability.... visual clichés for decay and abandonment...identical stories about how conservatives are to blame ... Iran will tell the world's economic powers that either they cut off trade with Israel or else Iran will make a European capital or two disappear. Name a single European nation that will hesitate more than an hour before bowing to that threat. Israel's ports will become ghost towns, and what's left of the economy will strangle.In response, The United States Mediterranean fleet will help evacuate Israelis to Cyprus or Malta or Italy. Some intermediate port of call. Some way station for the reverse Exodus....As many will go to the United States as Obama will permit, ...some other countries wise enough to admit six million educated industrious people, like Canada and Australia. ...Some Jews will stay, of course, as modern day Maccabees, ready to lay down their lives. Others, the delusional few who believe they can get along with the Arabs once they are majority and running the country and it is all fair, will be slaughtered for their folly.
And then one evening, Obama will make an exceptional speech. He will acknowledge the debt that the world will owe the Jewish people for giving up their homeland so that the world can avoid an end-of-days fate. His baritone will ring forth with astonishing beauty. There will be symbolism galore. The phrases will be poetry. Heads will nod sadly.... And, when it is given, the cameras will show Charles Schumer and Rahm Emanuel and Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer in audience.... the "warranting Jews" (i.e., Jews who vetted Obama for other Jews). ...Martin he's stunned to learn that Barack Obama is no friend of Israel ...wail that Hillary ...should have opposed the sell-out. The word "schumer" ...will mean a Jew who closed his eyes to all evidence and voted for Obama to fulfill some neurotic need to be a "good person."... accomplice Jew...centuries from now, if there are still Jews, ...they will speak of that last chapter for the Jews when -- for only 64 years -- Jews lived and governed themselves in the land of Israel.... It is too late.
It was too late last fall, after the last vote was tallied. Israel will disappear, as so many other nations have disappeared throughout history. Those of us who helped bring the end of Israel to pass, can ask God's forgiveness every year on Yom Kippur...We should all begin to prepare ourselves for that day. It's almost here.

****What is the corollary so far omitted? It is that the world, and Obama especially, will regret their fecklessness; not because they will have kind thoughts about Jews -- they all couldn't care less. However, after the period of exodus when a major part of the Jewish population actually leaves Israel (hopefully children first , with Obama cheerfully helping with the transport ), the remainder will execute the Samson Option, saving Western civilization from the scourge of Islam, albeit with toxic clouds drifting. The mullahs will welcome the Apocalypse and the return of the Twelfth Imam but who can imagine that Jews would do such a thing? Rational Economists will review their proofs that such a tactic is impossible because it isn't in Jewish self-interest to do anything other than meekly capitulate, especially when there's such a cost.
It's too bad the world thinks this way. They will be surprised when it happens and say "How could they? It's so untypical! Why would they? No one warned us."
After the fact, a couple of things will be noticed that could have predicted this: First, history. Meekly going to the death camps was not in the tradition of Masada, nor the earlier rebellion against Rome, nor even that of the Warsaw Ghetto. Jewish history has its hero-martyrs, to whom standing up to evil is an ethical imperative more important than life. Jews do not "love death' as Muslims claim to but can tolerate it when necessary. Akiva is known to Jews but not sufficiently to others. Judah Maccabee didn't survive his rebellion, nor Simon Bar Kochba, nor Simon Bar Giora, theirs . Necessarily, Olmert, Livni and Peres won't be in power although they created this mess. It's almost; what would happen to Israel's theorized nuclear capability even if the population goes "gentle into that good night?" Let the terrorists have it? After the terrible fact, it will be realized that this scenario should have been anticipated and had it been, it needn't have happened.
How will it happen? If the U.S. military stands in the way of IDF planes headed to Iran, Israeli missiles still won't be intercepted because Obama will have stopped development and deployment of anti-ballistic missiles. The IDF planes will have other places to go. It's too bad that Obama lacks not only the right values, but also insight and foresight. Israel will only save the U.S. and Europe from the Muslim urge to world domination; there will not only be a global mess but Obama will still have to face up to his appeasement of the North Koreans, Russia and China without the trust of South Korea, Taiwan, Japan...anyone? He spits in the eyes of Britain and Colombia while cozying up to Chavez and the Castros. He'll also have to face up to the loss of Arab and Iranian oil without a nuclear program or having drilled domestically.****

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