Saturday, April 11, 2009

How does one say "chutzpah" in Arabic?

The Dead Sea Scrolls were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek by Jews, hidden by Jews in caves, discovered almost two millennia later by Arab Bedouins AND SOLD to Christian and Jewish scholars.The caves were located in Jordanian territory later ceded to a non-existent Palestinian authority by Jordan when Jordan no longer controlled it.The scrolls are now claimed by the Palestinian Authority???

Dead Sea Scrolls stir storm at ROM
Palestinian PM wants Harper to scrap show, claims violation of international law
Apr 09, 2009 04:30 AM
JERUSALEM–A planned Toronto exhibit of ancient Middle Eastern manuscripts...Royal Ontario Museum...
"The exhibition would entail exhibiting or displaying artifacts removed from ... the Rockefeller Museum in Jordanian terrority now called ...the Palestinian territories," said ...Taha, ...The scrolls were discovered in 11 caves on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, mostly between 1947 and 1956,...
"We are the custodians of the Dead Sea Scrolls," said Pnina Shor, head of the artifacts treatment and conservation department at the Israel Antiquities Authority. "As such, we have a right to exhibit them and to conserve them."
... on parchment and...papyrus, the scrolls...mouldered undisturbed for roughly 20 centuries until their accidental discovery in 1947 by a young Bedouin Arab....the find all but coincided with ... Israel as an independent state and struck a...chord among Jews, for the scrolls... confirm an ancient Jewish bond with the Holy Land, reaching back to the destruction of the second Jewish temple in 70 AD – and beyond."The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls represents a turning point in the study of the history of the Jewish people in ancient times," explains a passage of text on the website of the Israel Museum, which nowadays provides a permanent home for the scrolls, The caves containing the scrolls were located near Qumran, in what is now the Palestinian West Bank.Beginning in 1947, and for nearly a decade, experts from the Rockefeller Museum in East Jerusalem, the Jordanian Department of Antiquities, and the École biblique et archéologique française excavated the caves and salvaged the scrolls...Written mainly in Hebrew, and partly in Aramaic and Greek...At first, the scrolls were housed in the Rockefeller Museum in East Jerusalem, which was under Jordanian control at the time....The protest to Canada may be a test case for the Palestinians."This issue has never been raised, so far as I know, in the past," said Thorsell...
****This can only be part of the desperate and absurd double fraud of claiming that an ancient Jewish connection to the land of Israel does not exist and that an Arab one does. The scrolls were written with iron-gall ink; the PA claim is a colossal-gall link.***

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