Saturday, April 18, 2009

Janet Napolitano's politicized police state
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano MUST BE FIRED!
...the problem is not just that...(DHS) put together a so-called anti-terrorism security assessment that targets mainstream Americans as dangerous Peter Kirsanow with the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights put it:“That DHS report warning about all manner of ‘right-wing extremists’ could be considerably shortened if it simply alerted law-enforcement officials to be on the lookout for people from ‘small towns (who are) bitter (and) cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment.’” ****That is, JN reflects Obama's own words expressed PRIVATELY during the campaign. ****...the same Janet Napolitano who ...(just recently said terrorist acts)should be called “man-caused disasters."Specifically she told Der Spiegel: “In my speech, ...did not use the word 'terrorism,' I referred to 'man-caused' disasters. ...we want to move away from the politics of fear...
****Of course, logically she obliterates the matter of MOTIVATION in blurring the difference between accidents and terrorism. The Algerian pilot who crashed his plane while praying to Allah instead of taking remedial action in the midst of an emergency caused an ACCIDENT. The Eqyptian pilot who deliberately crashed his plane while screaming Allahu Akbar! committed an act of terrorism. Both were man-caused disasters but quite different.*****
...Michelle Malkin in Thursday's Washington Times wrote:“What and who exactly are President Obama’s homeland security officials afraid of these days? If you are a member of an active conservative group that opposes abortion, favors strict immigration enforcement, lobbies to protect Second Amendment rights, protests big government, advocates federalism, or represents veterans who believe in any of the above, the answer is: You.”...Michael Reagan went so far as to ask the following:
“Have we really come to this? Has Adolf Hitler's propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels been reborn and recruited by the Obama administration to scare the heck out of the American people...?"
****Actually, since JN is Head of DHS, it's more like Heinrich Himmler REDUX. ****...
...Judge Andrew (unrelated) Napolitano with FOX News:"The summary contains few proper footnotes...lists very few sources,...drafted with a prejudice against anyone who criticizes the role of the federal government in our lives today. It lumps together...'rightwing extremism' hate groups, anti-government groups, and single issue groups 'such as opposition to abortion or immigration.'”...Is it possible that when Barack Obama spoke of bitter people from small towns who cling to God and their guns that he was not just simply being derisive?...Barack Obama sat in a Church for years listening to a lunatic pontificate, "Not God Bless America... God D___ America" WAS relevant after all?
...What purpose can be served by a document that classifies mainstream Americans as "extremists" who pose a clear and present danger to our nation’s security?"It is a manipulative information tool intended to paint the loyal opposition as reactionary kooks who are prone to violence and a danger to the country. ... This is part of a more widespread ongoing information campaign to plant and reinforce critical themes into the American official, and broader public psyche, a continuation of the 'clinging to guns and religion' message so frequently found in the rhetoric of President Obama and his acolytes."
But what is even more disturbing is that DHS NEVER intended the public to see this so-called security assessment. It was a secret.
Reagan again:“Obviously recognizing that public knowledge of the nonsense alleged in this document is very undesirable, the weirdoes who prepared it did not want you to see it. ... " Judge Napolitano again:"The document itself cautions the reader that the document is 'not to be released to the public, the media, or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval' of the DHS. The document refers to itself as one of a series of intelligence assessments intended to 'deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks against the United States.'”... The portion of this so-called security assessment that was leaked is only a SUMMARY...."The summary (unclassified) document is terrifying... imagine what is contained in the classified version. ...runs directly counter to numerous U.S. Supreme decisions prohibiting the government from engaging in any activities that could serve to chill the exercise of expressive liberties. ...informs the reader that Big Brother is watching..."..."...the sentiments revealed in the report...are the tip of an iceberg that the DHS would prefer to keep submerged until it needs to reveal it. This iceberg is the heavy-hand of government; love for freedom, and on whose face there is no smile."...

**** Journalist Jim Pinkerton cited a 2008 FBI Report that could have been used INSTEAD of the Napolitano screed: it mentioned 230 veterans having joined extremist groups out of 23MILLION VETERANS in the time period studied. That's 1 in 100,000! Based on other pronouncements it's possible that arithmetical competence is not among the requirements for either the Presidency or his appointees.****

1 comment:

  1. Napolitano's use of the 1995 Oklahoma City attack as an example of why US military veterans are supposedly a threat to us all certainly is intriguing-

    That bombing was a single event, almost 14 years ago- but hasn't Al Qaida staged hundreds of attacks on US interests since then? Why so little mention of them since she was appointed three months ago- isn't keeping a lid on those medieval savages 80% of her job description? Isn't that why the Department of Homeland Security created in the first-place?

    Apparently there is no bounds to what government assets Obama will prostitute for his own purposes… while neglecting daunting, actual threats in the meantime.

    So all who wondered why Obama chose this obedient toady to head Homeland Security now have their answer: a serious choice who would have focused upon real terrorist threats -not imaginary, partisan ones- like, say, a Rudolph Giuliani, wouldn't have been a willing participant in such a sham report.
