Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lefties now even challenge the provenance of Tel Aviv as Israeli.
Will Tel-Aviv become an "illegal settlement"? They are after Tel Aviv now. It was inevitable.... But a film festival in Toronto celebrating Tel-Aviv's Centennial is being boycotted, on the grounds that Tel-Aviv was stolen from the Arabs! No doubt, soon it will be discovered that Muhammad visited Tel Aviv too, and tied his horse up in Dizengoff Center. Jane Fonda, Danny Glover and Eve Ensler have joined the growing list of artists who are boycotting the Toronto film festival ...The three have added their names to a letter aimed at festival officials claiming that Tel Aviv was built on violence, ignoring the "suffering of thousands of former residents and descendants," ...****Now Fonda and Glover are notorious as mindless lefties but we confess to not knowing who the hell Eve Ensler is. Research indicates that she is the author of "The Vagina Monologues" and is following up a second play in the "Orifice" series, cooperating with Fonda and Glover in the "Asshole Dialogues."****

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