Friday, September 4, 2009

It's too late to use anything but war against Iran.
Time's up on Iran By Caroline B. Glick
****IAEA hid the fact that Iran is mere months away from two nuclear weapons and already has the delivery capability against both Israel and Europe. Sanctions will do nothing since the mullahs obviously don't care what happens to their people and have suppressed an uprising likely to be stronger than any resulting from privation. So much for Obama's outreach and Bush's vacillation; only John Bolton ( or Cheney) had the story right. War, and possibly even nuclear war, appears invevitable.
Why should Israel now accommodate Obama on anything ? Draconian action will occur in the near term, no matter what, and Obamian "squeezes" involving "strong disapproval" or withholding aid, or denial of weapons tecbnology seem trivial by comparison.****

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