Friday, March 27, 2009

Lying from the Left; Correction from the Center

Blatant lying about "card check" and the abolition of the secret ballot in union elections ( an Obama fave ).

'New York Times' Spiked Obama Donor Story

Congressional Testimony: ‘Game-Changer’ Article Would Have Connected Campaign With ACORN

By Michael P. Tremoglie, The Bulletin
Monday, March 30, 2009
A lawyer involved with legal action against Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) told a House Judiciary subcommittee on March 19 The New York Times had killed a story in October that would have shown a close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama campaign because it would have been a “a game changer.”


Blatant lying about putative Israeli human rights violations in Gaza.

The debunking of the myriad myths about Israeli atrocities in Gaza has proceeded apace but always, even when corrected, on an interior page while the calumnies were published on Page 1. A gullible or conniving media colludes to use propaganda from Palestinian sources as journalistic when they have no objective sources of their own. Jenin was not a massacre although the figure of 500 was bruited about for a long time. The fictional story of Mohammed Dura took years to be disproved in a French court of law and many know the story but not the contradiction. As has been truly said, "A lie gets around the world before Truth can get its pants on."
Some media are even worse than others, the Guardian being among the very worst.
When ludicrousness stops being funny, the Guardian Gaza report....thought there is little more to add on the Guardian videos accusing the IDF of war crimes during the Gaza operation, given what has already been written in ZioNation in the Jerusalem Post, by the indispensable Melanie Philips, and more, and more. And more as these lines are been written, but apparently, there is more to add...This is either bad journalism or selective journalism on behalf of the Guardian...The problem in those two accounts is not the credibility of the witnesses but the quality of the Guardian’s research. ***An obvious problem is that much that the Guardian claims actually DEFIES COMMON SENSE. Much is denied that is documented elsewhere****
...As for the reporter's claim that no proof has been found of Hamas using human shields, perhaps he should check this BBC story with pictures, that records the use of human shields by Hamas.

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