Sunday, March 15, 2009

Anthropic Global Warming has become a religion, like Communism but has a profit motive for some.

The models of anthropic global warming do not pass the back-testing hurdle. That is, models that purport to be able to predict the future should ( as a necessary but not sufficient condition ) be able to reproduce the events of the past. They cannot explain the melting of the glaciers, the Little Ice Age and the Maunder Minimum among other things. These derelictions are merely ignored by the faithful and fraudulent charts are displayed that actually leave these factual effects out. Not only do researchers get money if they "toe the line" on the Gorthodoxy but Czech President Klaus points out the profit motive among those who seek other pecuniary advantage from this situation, especially the cap-and-trade system inevitably subject to manipulation by the politically-connected and those who can trade anything for profit.

Czech President Blasts Global Warming

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