Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Arabs were not long-time residents of Israel; most immigrated AFTER Zionism had started to develop the country.

The idea that there was a continuing presence of Arabs in Israel for a very long time is a fiction, largely created by Yasser Arafat and others. AFTER the land was improved by the early Zionists, Arab immigrants started to arrive in great numbers from other countries.Before the Muslim conquest in 638CE there were NO Arabs in Israel, despite what some have tried to claim, as well as denying the three-thousand-year-old presence of Jews in Jerusalem which is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible >700 times and in the Koran...directly not once and indirectly only once ( referring to the "furthest mosque").http://tinyurl.com/o82e5n The Stink
(of Mendacity) What makes the worst lies in the Middle East acceptable? by Bruce Thornton

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