Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's the surprise? "Training" like "rehab" doesn't insure allegiance in the direction desired.

****Given the current administration of the U.S., it isn't clear even what the "direction" is that is desired. Gen Dayton, who is training Palestinian forces in Jordan, has already threatened that they will attack Israel if there are no tangible peace results ( read "capitulation" by Israel to the direction of its own demise) within a couple of years. These American-trained and -equipped yahoos have no loyalty to any peace process and pose only a threat to Israel. Oslo quickly resulted in 50,000 trained- and equipped- forces, nominally "police," but Israelis found themselves facing, not rocks from those the police were supposed to control, but, rather, modern weapons in the hands of trained operatives. Would Obama have the guts to do something similar for dissidents in ...Iran? **** U.S.-trained Forces in 'Greatest' Terrorist Attacks 7/10/2009 Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief and author of "The Late Great State of Israel,” reports that a former Palestinian Authority official has boasted that members of his group's American-trained official security forces are responsible for carrying out the "greatest and most important" terrorist attacks against Israelis. The statement comes one week after Israel approved the transfer of 1,000 U.S. and European assault rifles to those same security forces. PA militias regularly receive American arms, funding and advanced training.

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