Monday, November 2, 2009

Why is only the Israeli "capture" mentioned and not that of Jordan and Egypt?

... 500,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem alongside 2.8 million Palestinians. Israel captured the territories in a 1967 war with its Arab neighbors.
****All discussions blithely mention this but don't mention the equally ( or even more) relevant fact that when the British Mandate was terminated in 1947, and the Arab armies invaded what was declared to be the Jewish partitioned portion called Israel, Jordan captured what is now East Jerusalem and the West Bank, made it Judenrein in the Nazi sense, and Eqypt captured Gaza. Strangely, there was no provision for "Palestinian" rule in either place. Despite this only the Israeli REcapture of East Jerusalem is currently mentioned. Perhaps, like the current President of the U.S., they know no history.****

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