Hasan and the Big Lie: U.S. "War" Against IslamIPT_News
When an American-born radical Islamist cleric chose to praise last week's Fort Hood shooting spree by Army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan, part of the rationale was that no Muslim could faithfully serve the U.S. armed forces. To Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki, that's because "The US is leading the war against terrorism which in reality is a war against Islam." A 2005 Canadian study of radicalism concluded that this theme is a potent tool in recruiting Muslims and turning them into violent extremists...
****And yet it is indisputable that at least a subset, "Radical Islam", consisting of Al Qaeda Sunni jihadists and Shia jihadists, has conducted and is conducting a war on the West. While the West might have been IN Saudia Arabia BEFORE 9/11, it was to protect the Saudis from Saddam Hussein. Whatever the historical causality (even granting Western slights led to Islamic terrorism ), there is no doubt about the present situation. And yet, Obama says "America is not and never weill be at war with Islam" while the Islamists claim that a war on terror IS a war on Islam. Thus, Obama doesn't acknowledge a war on terror ( lest it be taken as a war on Islam, even Radical Islam ) and professes that jihadist violence is merely a criminal act. That is, despite protestation to the contrary, Obama does NOT believe that the West is at war, but only responding to criminal acts. We are starting to see the erosion of American defenses against enemies ( what can be worse than not even acknowledging that we ARE at war? )****
Goldberg: Holder's 9/11 Trials a 'Travesty' By: Dave Eberhart...sending Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his cohorts to a civilian trial in New York is a travesty on many levels...I think the fundamental problem with it -- from which everything else flows -- is that there is no way to get around the fact that it is a decision that you would make -- if you didn't think we were at war...a problem that the Obama Administration is all too conscious of...see how self conscious and defensive the administration is about this, where Eric Holder has to say over and over again, "I know we are at war. I know we are at war." And that's because that criticism is stinging. "The simple fact is that if we are at war, we wouldn't do this," Goldberg argues.And if we are not at war, what we are doing not just with these trials? We are killing people and kidnapping people in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And if we are not at war that's murder and kidnapping....Sen. Lindsey Graham had it right in his grilling of Eric Holder on Capitol Hill "We have never taken an enemy combatant during a war and put them in a civilian court. And the idea that we should start that now, to me is lunacy."...even if Holder weren't Attorney General, we would still have these policies. I think this is one of the great deceptions of -- and then just flat out dishonesties -- that Obama is claiming that Eric Holder has made all of these decisions and that this is, "Oh, this was just the Attorney General." "That's impossible," said Goldberg,..."And even ...Obama has wanted to do this from the beginning. He tipped his hat that he was going to do this from the beginning...the Commander in Chief has decided that these enemy combatants, these terrorists -- who are not signatories to the Geneva Convention, who attacked us in a ghastly fashion -- should be handled by the cops and the prosecutors and not by the military," he concludes..."I honestly don't know how you can view it any other way than a retreat from the war on terror,...a fundamental first-principled disagreement about the nature of the conflict that we are fighting...the idea that we are going to turn, you know, the war on terror into a bunch of episodes of Kabul CSI, where people are taking forensic evidence in Helmand Province, is just crazy."
...whatever makes Obama tick, it flows deep and strong. "He just has a visceral dislike for talking about terrorism. He has a visceral dislike for saying unpleasant truths about Islam."
...Goldberg confesses that he used to think it was more probable that Obama had this really well-formulated ideological agenda that he wasn't being honest about. He has amended his thinking, he says. "I am moving increasingly towards the incompetent many ways a lot of his positions are the result of him really not thinking through things and thinking everything was going to be easy," the columnist concludes...he thought it was going to be easy. And he is screwing up, and he doesn't really understand why or how."...
****And here's how Obama-sycophant Joe Klein of TIME magazine fails to see a pattern other than incompetence:
Joe Klein: Obama's "Mistakes" Not a Pattern
Time Magazine columnist Joe Klein says he has found no discernible pattern yet in President Obama's "mistakes" and it's simply too early to judge him on these "mistakes".,8599,1942832,00.html
Here's how Klein starts off his Time column:Over the past few weeks, "Barack Obama has been criticized for the following: He didn't go to Berlin for the 20th anniversary of the Wall's coming down. He didn't make a forceful enough statement on the 30th anniversary of the U.S. diplomats' being taken hostage in Iran. He didn't show sufficient mournfulness, at first, when the Fort Hood shootings took place, and he was namby-pamby about the possibility that the shootings were an act of jihad. He has spent too little time focusing on unemployment. He bowed too deeply before the Japanese Emperor. He allowed the Chinese to block the broadcast of his Shanghai town-hall meeting. He allowed the Chinese President to bar questions at their joint press conference (a moment memorably satirized by Saturday Night Live). He didn't come back with any diplomatic victories from Asia. He allowed Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other 9/11 plotters to be tried in the U.S. criminal-justice system rather than by the military. He has dithered too long on Afghanistan. He has devoted too much attention to, and given congressional Democrats too much control over, healthcare reform, an issue that is peripheral to a majority of Americans."
****Of course Klein's list leaves off: stiffing allies like the U.K., the Czechs, Poles and Israelis, pandering to Russia, Iran and being weak toward North Korea, bowing obeisance to the Keeper of the Two Shrines ( at least providing a reason for bowing low to the emperor of Japan, lest someone think he pays homage to the major leader in the Muslim world ), etc etc.The BEST possible pattern is that of incompetence; the worst is that of someone who doesn't like the values of traditional America and the West ( and, therefore, seeks "change.") ****
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