Thursday, November 19, 2009

Domestic Muslim jihadis are a real problem and they're self-generating.
Hasan, Not KSM, Is Our Real Problem Violent Islamic Web sites pose a clear and present danger to the U.S. By DANIEL HENNINGER
...the Obama administration's announcement last Friday to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in lower Manhattan****An insane idea in itself.**** blew the Nidal Hasan murders out of the news....What Hasan represents, however, is a more immediate concern....Hasan is new school. He is what's known as a homegrown terrorist. Virtually all the Islamic terrorist plots thwarted here in recent years were homegrown, not designed from afar... Najibullah Zazi, ...arrested in New York this September and charged with conspiring to detonate bombs, came to the U.S. in 1999.
The Fort Dix Six, convicted in December of conspiring to attack U.S. military personnel, ...ethnic Albanians whose family came to New Jersey in the 1980s. Zakaria Amara, the leader of the Toronto 18, who were planning to blow up skyscrapers in Canada, was born in a Toronto suburb....director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center, Mike Leiter, said the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab includes "dozens of recruits from the Unites States," mostly ethnic Somalis.
...Most of the time, they become radicalized by spending vast amounts of time viewing violent Islamic Web sites run from abroad....Lawrence Sanchez of the New York City Police Department's intelligence division told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that the Internet is "the most significant factor in the radicalization that is occurring in America." Mr. Sanchez described this process as "self-imposed brainwashing." ...****The politically-incorrect but inescapable conclusion is that the raw material for this self-generated jihadism is...Muslims. All Muslims may not be terrorists but pretty much all terrorists are Muslims. All explosives are dangerous,not merely the ones whose fuses have been lighted.By the way, thank Ted Kennedy for the raw material: by far most Muslims came to the U.S. after the 1965 revisions to immigration loudly endorsed by Teddy. That others have been converted to Islam (largely in prisons ) is still ascribable to this source. Obama would have us believe that Muslims fought in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, WWI and WWII but the numbers were tiny if not nil.****

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