Thursday, November 12, 2009

How unPC of the FBI- this must have slipped past Holder.

Feds move to seize 4 mosques, tower linked to Iran By ADAM GOLDMAN, Associated Press NEW YORK – Federal prosecutors took steps Thursday to seize four U.S. mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government...prosecutors filed a civil complaint in federal court against the Alavi Foundation, seeking the forfeiture of more than $500 million in assets....
Confiscating the properties would be a sharp blow against Iran, which has been accused by the U.S. government of bankrolling terrorism and trying to build a nuclear bomb... The action against the Shiite Muslim mosques is sure to inflame relations between the U.S. government and American Muslims, many of whom are fearful of a backlash after last week's Fort Hood shooting rampage, blamed on a Muslim American major. ****Perhaps this is a frontlash where the subversive actions of American Muslims are starting to be exposed since they have finally pushed the envelope of PC protection too far.****...Prosecutors said the Alavi Foundation managed the office tower on behalf of the Iranian government and, working with a front company known as Assa Corp., illegally funneled millions in rental income to Iran's state-owned Bank Melli....long suspected the foundation was an arm of the Iranian government...Rents collected from the building help fund the centers and other ventures, such as sending educational literature to imprisoned Muslims in the U.S. The foundation has also invested in dozens of mosques around the country and supported Iranian academics at prominent universities....leave a major void in Shiite communities, and hard feelings toward the FBI, which played a big role in the investigation.****We certainly wouldn't want hard feelings toward the FBI as probably the Mafia does.****... "Suspicion about the Alavi Foundation transcends three administrations," ..."It's taken ages dealing with the nuts and bolts of the investigation....its agenda changed after the fall of the shah.
In 2007, the United States accused Bank Melli of providing services to Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs and put the bank on its list of companies whose assets must be frozen. Washington has imposed sanctions against various other Iranian businesses.

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