Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ft Hood was not a "tragedy"; it was an atrocity.

The President and the liberal minions of the main stream media have used the equivalent of the passive voice ( "they were killed" rather than "Hasan killed them.") An airplane crash is a tragedy because it was an accident or, at worst, due to someone's incompetence. This was a volitional act and hence, like 9-11, an atrocity.
The mouthings of the liberal press in the U.S.l have reached a reductio ad absurdum. While they ( except for Fox ) immediately posit PRE Traumatic Stress Syndrome or stress due to anti-Muslim discrimination ( which would get a perpetrator cashiered from the Army ), the U.K. Telegraph simply identified links to jihadist imams, to al Qaeda, and other "smoking guns" ( although a smoking gun was insufficient to satisfy the President that enough "facts" were known.)
Upon hearing that Hasan had communicated with al Qaeda twenty times, Chris Matthews of MultiplyStupidNBC opined that he didn't know that communicating with al Qaeda was illegal. Probably he wouldn't have raised his eyebrows at a military officer communicating with the KGB during the Cold War or with the Nazis during WWII. Military officials, indeed, termed the communications "benign." Even a defense attorney expostulated that it was hard to consider any communications between a serving military officer and al Qaeda as "benign."
Political correctness has polluted the military and is likely a cause of the shooting of four dozen people.

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