Thursday, April 8, 2010

"War on Terror" was euphemistic enough; it IS a war WITH Islamic Radicalism.

Now Obama is saying, "they may be at war with us but We are not at war with them."
Obama Plan Should Outrage 9/11 Victims
Rush Limbaugh used his radio program Wednesday to lash out against President Obama’s plan to censor the word “Islamic radicalism” from a National Security document that deals with threats confronting America. Obama advisers say the new version emphasizes that the U.S. does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terrorism.****If the U.S. does not, the U.S. is "a ass" as Dickens said.If we don't recognize who is trying to kill us, what happens to national defense and security. Do they spit in Obama's face and he thinks it rain? It must depend on where it's coming from because he's waging war on our erstwhile allies. What do these idiots think about the identity of those who attacked on 9/11, bombed our embassies, slaughtered Danny Pearl, murdered unarmed people at Ft.Hood? HINT: when Maj. Hasan Nidal yells "Allahu Akbar" before opening fire, when suicide bombers target the Moscow subway ( or London's or Spain's), what identity could they have but Muslim ?( And perhaps it's a concession to restrict the designation to "radical" Muslims. )****
But the change is a radical shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventive war. It currently states, "The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."
Limbaugh, America’s number one rated conservative host, thinks the Obama initiative is dangerous... ****Of course it's dangerous; the President doesn't know we are at war and doesn't know with whom we're at war. *****

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