Friday, April 30, 2010

Poll shows Palestinians' actual position.

Poll: Palestinians Reject '67 Borders, Sharing Jerusalem with Israel (Angus Reid Global Monitor)
67% of the residents of the West Bank and Gaza are opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with some land exchange as part of a solution to the current impasse with Israel, according to a poll by An-Najah University in the West Bank.
77% reject making Jerusalem the capital of both an eventual Palestinian state and Israel.****Let's be clear what this shows: those identified as "Palestinians" are not satisfied with a Palestinian state on even the 1967 borders and with a shared Jerusalsm. They have not come to the realization that Israel should exist at all.The idea of a "two-state solution", elevated by Obama to a status beyond that of peace in the Middle East, is not acceptable to the mass of Palestinians, except possibly as a way station on the road to a total obliteration of any Jewish state.****

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