Friday, April 9, 2010

Appeasement? Unilateral disarmament? What's next?

Obama's eschewal of nuclear retaliation for chemical, biological or electromagnetic pulse attack on the U.S. is incompetent, naive and feckless. Before the (first)Gulf War, Secretary Baker informed the Iraqi government that, should the Iraqis use their known chemical weapons against us, the retaliation would be unlimited. Result? They never deployed the chemical weapons they had. There would be no such deterrent under ObamaCarelessness.*** By: Dick Morris
If any nation wants to attack the United States with chemical, biological, or electromagnetic pulse weapons, it need not fear nuclear retaliation as long as it has no nuclear weapons and abides by the Non Proliferation Treaty, President Barack Obama has announced. So, as New Yorkers are coughing their lungs out from mustard gas or dying in the streets of biological weapons, they will know that their government will not use nuclear weapons to retaliate against their murderers....
His incredible announcement amounts to a green light for anti-American nations to hit our cities with gas or poisons resting secure in the knowledge that we will not use our nuclear arsenal to reply...

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