Thursday, January 28, 2010

Islam a peaceful religion? Not! A more authoritative source than the theologian Bush or the sympathizer, Obama
Is the Anger of the Muslim Street Justifiable by Islam? By Tawfik Hamid
In the last few decades, Muslims have committed several violent acts because they felt their religion had been insulted or attacked. These acts ranged from murders and violent riots against Salman Rushdie for writing the "Satanic Verses" to violent riots as a response to rumors of US soldiers insulting the Quran. The aggressive Muslim reaction after the publishing of cartoons of prophet Mohammed by the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark is another well-known example of the Muslim world's reactions. Sadly, these acts of violence have resulted in devastating consequences such as the burning churches and the killing many innocent people.
The question many have raised is: are these violent reactions condoned by Islam and the result of Islamic teachings?
The answer to this question is that the reaction depends largely on the sources used by a particular follower and their understanding of the appropriate religious texts. The following are a few examples to illustrate how a Muslim's response to insulting Islam can vary depending on the religious references used:
...Option 4: Muslims who follow the current mainstream Islamic jurisprudence books of all four legal schools can also justify barbaric reactions to insulting Islam through the well-known rule in Islamic jurisprudence This rule justifies killing those who insult the prophet or Islam...Ironically enough, the 'peaceful Muslims' - or the Muslims who do not use violence against those who insult Islam - are the ones who do not practice the mainstream Islamic jurisprudence and practice Sharia Laws "properly"! ...Islam will be perceived by others as Muslims practice and portray it. If Sharia laws justify killing a human soul because he or she insulted the prophet Mohamed or insulted Islam, then the Muslim world must not expect others to call Islam a peaceful religion and the westerners must not expect the outcome of this teaching to be anything but violence and barbarism...//

Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of 9/11, and those who have perpetrated the over 13,000 jihad attacks worldwide since then repeatedly point to the Koran as their inspiration and authority. Yet Barack Obama, Tony Blair, and other Western leaders have praised the Koran as a "book of peace" -- without providing any evidence of actually having read it. ****Well, I'm pretty sure Obama HAS read it. He could cite passages from it according to Nicholas Kristrof of the NY Times.****It's time they did -- and it's time that all Westerners got to know the book that inspires our enemies to commit their hideous acts of hate and terrorism. Trouble is, the Koran is not an easy read. It's been called the "wrist-slittingly boring," as well as confusing, contradictory, and muddled.
Now, in The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran, Robert Spencer -- the bestselling author and Islam expert -- shows exactly what's in the Koran, and why every American should be concerned about Islam's holy book... you'll learn:
* What the Koran says about who Infidels are -- and what must be done about them
* The Koran's appallingly harsh teachings on women
* What it really says about warfare against Infidels
* Its strange teachings on Christians and Christianity
* Its relentless demonization of the people whom the Koran identifies as the chief enemies of the Muslims: the Jews
* Why claims that the Koran teaches peace and tolerance are false
Spencer also shows how the Koran developed, and even provides a revealing, disquieting glimpse into the Hadith, the traditions of Muhammad that for Muslims worldwide are second in authority only to the Koran itself.

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