Thursday, December 17, 2009

Redistribution (of American wealth) under the guise of "climate change."
Clinton: US would help raise billions on climate By CHARLES J. HANLEYCOPENHAGEN – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sought to put new life into flagging U.N. climate talks Thursday by announcing the U.S. would join others in raising $100 billion a year by 2020 to help poorer nations cope with global warming.
The $100 billion figure, the first offered by Washington in discussions here over long-term financing, falls short of what some experts suggest will be needed. Yvo de Boer, U.N. climate chief, said talks would focus on the "adequacy" of that target...
****What a boondoggle! Third world countries OSTENSIBLY need money to cope with climate change and need the developed world to pay for such things as a seawall around the Maldive Islands ( although there is no discernable rise in sea level to threaten them.) Worse, contributions would go to totalitarian dictatorships where the money would certainly go down a rathole. However, if the money down a rathole comes from richer people, then the absolute goal of redistribution would still be achieved: reducing everyone to the same level, however much lower than before! ****

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