Friday, December 25, 2009

Carter, as usual, either lies or doesn't understand (or both)
Carter Says Sorry to Jews, Apology Not Linked to Grandson's Political Ambitions
Jimmy Carter's recent apology to Jews for actions he acknowledged have stigmatized Israel is not timed to a decision by his grandson on whether to enter Georgia politics, the former president told an online Jewish news agency this week.
Atlanta attorney Jason Carter, 34, is debating whether to run for Georgia's state Senate from the district representing suburban DeKalb County, which has a significant Jewish population in the area around Emory University. Jason Carter, whose father is Jimmy Carter's eldest son, Jack, would aim to succeed David Adelman, President Obama's nominee to be ambassador to Singapore. Carter told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that electoral considerations had nothing to do with his recent outreach to the Jewish community, although he did not outright deny it. "Jason has a district, the number of Jewish voters in it is only 2 percent," Carter is quoted saying in a report published Tuesday. ****Except that it had enough clout( actual voters plus money ) to elect a guy named Adelman to the seat.****... "I offer an Al Het for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so," he reportedly said, referring to the Yom Kippur prayer for atonement for sins against God.****As usual, Jimmy distorts. Al Het prays for God's forgiveness. Sins against man require rather more: the sinned-against must be sought out, AMENDS MADE, sincere apologies tendered and forgiveness sought. The sinned-against does not have to forgive but, after this process has been sincerely repeated THREE times, the sin is adjudged to be expunged and the sin belongs to the unforgiving. Carter has quite a ways to go. Also, his sins are not restricted to writing his "Apartheid" book. He even had the gall, in his Nobel Peace Prize speech to refer to Resolution 242 as saying Israel had to withdraw from "...THE territories..." although he clearly knew that the absence of the definite article was important, was negotiated for and was absent in the official English translation.****
... "If it turns out that President Carter's love for his grandson brought about an epiphany in his relationship with the Jewish people, that's fine," said Foxman, according to the report...
...Did the Saudis bounce a check on Carter? On as he gets a little closer to the Ultimate Judge, is he starting to remember what's actually in the Bible he purports to believe in? Tell you what, Jimmah....your Jew hatred was a sin against G-d who will forgive you, but also against man, and if you claim to know something about Yom Kippur and Atonement, you know this is just the beginning. Teshuvah, repentance for a sin committed against man requires more than just a sorry. You have to make restitution and an honest attempt to undo some of the harm you've done. For starters, instead of quietly admitting you were wrong to the likes of the ADL. write one of those famous editorials in the New York Times or the Washington Post and announce it to the world. Admit you plagiarized large portions of "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid", that it had huge and almost defamatory factual errors that you stubbornly refused to admit, even when long time associates of the Carter Peace Center resigned in disgust. Be honest and have the humility to admit that Apartheid and Israel don't belong in the same sentence, let alone as the thesis of an entire book. Hit the talk shows and confess.
Talk honestly about your many dealings with Hamas, and how you met in Damascus with your buddy Khalid Mashaal, head of the Hamas politburo for the express purpose of advising Mashaal on how high a ransom to ask for the release of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Admit that you were shamefully inhumane not to insist that Hamas allow the Red Cross to visit Shalit. Admit how you covered for Yasir Arafat, even though you knew he murdered Americans and had two of our diplomats kidnapped and tortured to death.
Go to Israel and apologize personally to the people of Israel for demonizing them the whole world over. That's what repentance looks like, according to G-d's own standards, Mr. Carter. And you know as well as I do that nothing is going to change for you spiritually until it happens.
Jesus said about someone very like you that they were neither hot nor cold, so he would spew them out of his mouth and reject them. Right now, according to that standard, you're barely luke warm. Do the right thing, for your own sake if nothing else.

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