Saturday, December 19, 2009

Playing "The Price is Right": buying legislators at premium prices.

In order to get the 60th necessary for Obamacare, Sen Reid has had to "pay" ( with taxpayer money, of course ) unbelievable prices to buy the last few holdouts in his own party. Senator Landrieu got a special $300Million for the "Louisiana Purchase" but that was dwarfed by $10Billion garnered by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. The record might have been set by the last bargainer, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska. He got absolution for Nebraska for now and forever after from state payments for increases in MedicAid otherwise unfunded mandates ( which will afflict the other 49 states as the Federal government offloads much of the cost for Obamacare onto the states.) Senator Reid, rather from being the master negotiator, evidently just targeted those who didn't sign on with the simple question: "What will it take to buy your vote?" In typical Democrat fashion, he was merely spending the taxpayers' money and could be as generous as necessary. Evidently, the last holdouts played "The Price is Right" better than anyone else. Whether the other Senators, let alone the taxpayers, will like this is another matter.

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