Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dithering with one foot on the dock, the other in a canoe.

The surest way to take a bath in Afghanistan.
... the root of the change in tone is doubt about the strategy itself. ..."We couldn't pick two better officers," Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen said in May, referring to McChrystal and his recommended deputy, David Rodriguez.
Now officials like Vice President Joe Biden are pushing for a different approach in Afghanistan that de-emphasizes troop strength in favor of precise strikes on Al Qaeda, particularly with the use of unmanned drones in Pakistan.****Joe Biden? Biden?? If he's right about this, it's an accident.(He actually could be right about this long-term since, over thousands of years, no-one has successfully done "nation-building" in Afghanistan, probably due to typography and culture.)**** "The White House is between a rock and a hard place," Shaffer said. "The policy's not there." ......"puzzled" at the amount of time it's taking to deal with McChrystal's resource request...White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the president still believes Afghanistan is a war of necessity, and he accused critics who claim the administration is jeopardizing the troops of "game playing."..."The men and women that might be sent to Afghanistan to serve and protect our freedom deserve that, as do their families and every other American," Gibbs said. ****That sounds "caring" BUT what about the troops already there?****...

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