Monday, August 10, 2009

More on "the" healthcare bill. The slippery tactic is that there is no "Obama" bill as yet.

Thus, the President can answer any objection or question either by (incredibly) claiming to be unaware of certain provisions brought to his attention or by referring to the unfinished state of the bill so that all objections can be waved off as subject to change. Equally incredibly ( possibly relating to an innate narcissism discussed elsewhere ), the President offered to explain "the bill" ( of uncertain nature and which he clearly hadn't read in its entirety - and probably hasn't yet since he seems to write and speak much more than he reads or listens) to anyone who cares to come to the White House for a tutorial ( presumably limited to voting members of Congress.)
He has left it to the extreme Left led by Nancy Pelosi to create the "healthcare plan" and so the House version extant is the only thing one can analyze. One must notice that much, even in the 1000 page document, leaves details to be worked on by bureaucrats at a later time. One can, however, be quite clear on the directional drift of the bureaucrats who will be entrusted with this task.
One must ask, since few if any seem to have read ( let alone understood the whole bill), WHO THE HELL WROTE IT? The suspicion must arise that it is an association of left-wing groups ( "Apollo group?")that has been lying in wait for years, at least since the Hillarycare days but perhaps for decades, with plans that could be cut-and-pasted into an opportunity to socialize/nationalize/single-payer-ize the American healthcare system. Thus, process is as important ( and dangerous ) as the details since they will be fleshed out in unidirectional ways designed fundamentally to get total government control over what will be 20% of the U.S. economy and get into every detail of an individual's life.
Daniel Hannan, the Euro-Parliament representative from England who made a splash on Youtube with his articulate and insightful indictment of the present British government, has elucidated the dangers of national health care as exemplified in the British system ( which Yoda, with much regret, lived under for a year ).
1) It started at a time of straitened national resources and sacrifice, in 1944. Rationing was extant throughout British existence.
2) The National Health Service is now the largest single item in the British budget.
3) Employees of the NHS comprise 1.4 million people ( few of whom are doctors ) and is the third-largest employee group in the world (after the Chinese Red Army and the Indian Railway Service.)The inertia against changing it is overwhelming although only 40% of Brits consider it "excellent." ( they hardly know better except in theory.)
4) Rationing is rampant with procedures, MRI devices, medicines etc being either limited, time-delayed or not available at all.The NICE board severely limits quality-of-life treatments for older people ( e.g. glaucoma treatment is delayed generally and then restricted to saving one eye only.)NICE shares Obama's consternation that his aged grandmother got a hip replacement shortly before dying.
5) Most striking is that one can NOT supplement the NHS by paying privately for medicines not available or for faster service in the private sector. Attempts are severely penalized.
6) Despite the canards about comparative health figures ( using the biased WHO report of 2000 or distorted figures on infant mortality and longevity ), the outcomes actually due to healthcare are revealing: U.S. 5-year survival rate for identified and treated prostate cancer is about 100%; in Canada it is 95%; in Britain about 87%. In fact, for 13 out of 16 cancers tracked, survival rates in the U.S. are best in the world.

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