Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama is a concern to Israelis and an increasing number of American Jews.

Obama might well be considered a threat to Western Civilization itself since he doesn't seem to believe in it.//
Obama's Middle East Policy a Concern to Israel By: Steven Emerson
President Barack Obama's overtures toward Muslims around the world and his administration's early hard line on Israeli settlements in the West Bank have prompted increasing concerns about the direction of America's Middle East policy.
A series of moves, or the lack of them, is only fueling the anxiety. The Jerusalem Post reports that Obama failed to appoint an envoy to monitor and fight global anti-Semitism despite a legal requirement to do so. The previous envoy, Gregg Rickman, left his post with the transition to a new administration.The Post says the lapse raises questions about the administration's commitment to the task of fighting anti-Semitism. It quotes Rafael Medoff, director of the Washington D.C.-based David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies:"At a time when anti-Semitism remains a staple of government propaganda in the Middle East, when violent anti-Semitic incidents are reported almost daily throughout Europe, and when even the streets of Washington are not untouched by anti-Semitism's violent potential, that is the wrong message to send." ****Long, intimate association with the anti-Semitic Rev. Wright should have been a tipoff, along with close ties to Rashid Khalidi and, also, Edward Said.Quite insightful and prescient was the published judgment of his friend, Palestinian activist Ali Abunimah, in 2007 that Obama's then-professed sympathies for Israel were phony and just hoked up until he could be elected. http://tinyurl.com/299zyy****
Adding to the emerging fray is the administration's decision to give a Medal of Freedom to former Ireland President Mary Robinson. Jennifer Rubin notes that Robinson presided over the United Nations' Durban Conference, which was supposed to be about racism but instead morphed into an Israel-bashing fest. So bad was the tenor that the U.S., Germany and other nations boycotted the follow-up gathering in April.Foundation for the Defense of Democracies President Cliff May summarizes the concern Obama critics have, that his settlement emphasis has come without commensurate pressure on the Palestinians:
"In particular, Obama has been pressing Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make unilateral concessions to Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority.
The predictable result: Abbas has hardened his stance. One of his deputies, Kifah Radaydeh, said in a recent television interview: 'Our goal has never been peace. Peace is a means, and the goal is Palestine. I do not negotiate in order to achieve peace.' And a PA member of parliament, Muhammad Dahlan, this month said in another TV interview that Palestinians have a 'legal right' to terrorism."
At The Corner on the National Review website, Tevi Troy concludes in fairly blunt terms that the President is taking his support among American Jews for granted.
Why Won’t Obama Talk to Israel? By ALUF BENN NYTimes 7/28 TEL AVIV
...President Obama has spoken to Arabs, Muslims, Iranians, Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Russians and Africans...But he hasn’t bothered to speak directly to Israelis.****He doesn't like skeptical audiences.****...Six months into his presidency, Israelis find themselves increasingly suspicious of Mr. Obama....see..American pressure...to freeze settlements,...interpreted here as political arm-twisting meant to please the Arab street at Israel’s expense — or simply to express the president’s dislike for Mr. Netanyahu....If Israel is part of the problem, it’s also part of the solution. Yet so far, neither the president nor any senior administration official has given a speech or an interview aimed at an Israeli audience...The Arabs got the Cairo speech; we got silence....he has failed to induce Israel to impose a freeze on settlements...Netanyahu enjoys a virtual domestic consensus over his rejection of the settlement freeze...portraying Mr. Obama as a shaky ally....Netanyahu is the defender of national glory in face of unfair pressure, someone who sticks to the first commandment of Israeli culture: thou shalt never be the freier (that is, the dupe)....only 6 percent of those surveyed considered the Obama administration to be pro-Israel, while 50 percent said that its policies are more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israeli. Less scientifically: Israeli rightists have — in columns, articles and public statements — taken to calling the president by his middle name, Hussein, as proof of his pro-Arab tendencies...Obama came to office determined to repair America’s broken alliances in Europe and the Middle East....place some distance between Israel and himself. Second, Mr. Obama’s quest for diplomacy has appeared to Israelis as dangerous American naïveté. ...offered a hand to the Iranians, and got nothing,...humiliated by North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests...failed to move Arab governments to take steps to normalize relations with Israel. Conclusion: Mr. Obama is a softie, eager to please his listeners and avoid confrontation with anyone who is not Mr. Netanyahu....Obama seems to have confused American Jews with Israelis. ...Obama’s stop at Buchenwald and his strong rejection of Holocaust denial, immediately after his Cairo speech, appealed to American Jews but fell flat in Israel....Zionist determination and struggle — not guilt over the Holocaust — brought Jews a homeland. Mr. Obama’s speech, which linked Israel’s existence to the Jewish tragedy, infuriated many Israelis who sensed its closeness to the narrative of enemies like Mahmoud Ahmedinejad....larger, closer-to-home settlements (the “settlement blocs”) will remain in Israeli hands under any two-state solution. Why, then, insist on a total freeze everywhere?..why deny with such force — as the administration did — the existence of previous understandings between the United States and Israel over limited settlement construction? There is simply too much evidence proving that such an understanding existed. ...the claim undermined Mr. Obama’s credibility...

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