Friday, June 12, 2009

A Palin response to the incredibly tasteless David Letterman
Letterman has always epitomized the terms "smarmy" and "supercilious." It's been pointed out that Letterman is scripted, he reads from a teleprompter, and thus his unfunny remarks go beyond what even Don Imus did in his spontaneous stupidity.
It's not credible and irrelevant that he now claims that he was referring to the 18-year-old daughter who wasn't at the ballgame rather than the 14-year-old who was. It is only infinitesimally less obnoxious to deflect the stupid remark to someone BARELY beyond the age of consent. In any event, he was referring to rape, rather than even consensual sex. Palin was right to say that the ScarletLetterman needs to apologize to all young women.
It is especially ironic that this 62-year-old has the chutzpah to joke about out-of-wedlock births by others when he "knocked up" his own girlfriend and only married her years after his (still-) young son was born. It's part of the injustice of the world that his critical ratings during the first weeks of his new rivalry with Conan O'Brian on NBC have been "goosed" by this brouhaha. Long-term, however, people may turn away both from DL and the sponsors who support his efforts.

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