Sunday, June 14, 2009

Everyone has American rights plus their own. Unbelievable!
Dead To RightsIBD// War On Terror: Six years ago, our political cartoonist Michael Ramirez, while working for another newspaper, drew a U.S. soldier reading a jihadist his Miranda rights. It was funny then. We're not laughing now.
It seemed absurd: A terrorist being told that he had "the right to remain silent ..." as he was captured on the battlefield. Surely that would never happen. But now a U.S. congressman believes it's happening in Afghanistan, likely by order of the Justice Department.Rep. Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and credible veteran of the Army and FBI, says that he has watched the Mirandizing of terrorist suspects. If so, the practice severely handicaps this country's effort to wipe out terrorism.
The Miranda warning is based on the Constitution's Fifth Amendment, which guarantees criminal suspects the right to not self-incriminate, or testify against themselves, as well as the right to an attorney who can be present during questioning.
Less than three months ago, President Obama clearly staked out his position on Mirandizing terrorist detainees."Do these folks deserve Miranda rights?" he asked CBS' Steve Kroft during a March 22 "60 Minutes" interview. "Do they deserve to be treated like a shoplifter down the block? Of course not."...White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was coy, saying he had "no reason to disbelieve a member of Congress." treating terrorism as it would domestic crime. Now it's just a nuisance, reduced, as Sen. John Kerry was hoping for in 2004, to an offense that has to be endured like prostitution and gambling.
And here we thought it was about life, death and the preservation of America and Western civilization.
...A Mirandized terrorism detainee cannot even be interrogated. ...he is sure to ...just remain silent — that is, until he begins to taunt his interrogators while his lawyer is present...While the U.S. justice system is effective in dealing with domestic crime, it is not sufficient for foreign enemies who want to slaughter on a mass scale. When we give them rights, we put lives at risk.///
****Aside from the obvious, other unintended consequences include not bothering to CAPTURE terrorists on the battlefield. Why call a "clean FBI team" to administer Miranda and conduct what is left of an interrogation? It will be perceived as too much trouble and a downside without an upside. Police have to explain why they kill suspects; soldiers hardly have to do so: the other guy has a weapon ( when John Kerry killed HIS Vietcong kid, it isn't clear he HAD a weapon ) and is on a battlefield.One of the reasons pirates used to be hanged summarily was that it was just too dangerous to keep them around alive.****

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