Monday, June 29, 2009

Hillary should be ashamed. Appeasement usually involves disregard of "the people," first Iran, now Honduras.
A bloodless military overthrow of a dictatorial regime, ordered by the Constitutionally-mandated courts, is not a "coup", in the usual sense. Hillary and Obama seem as oblivious as the world was to Hitler trampling the rights of Sudeten Czechs, Austrians and Poles. Eschewing "regime change", whatever the facts , is adherence to words rather than concepts of ethics or American interests. This is especially poignant when American interests coincide with thwarting tyrants in Iran or, now, Honduras and the American government takes the wrong side.Democracy is not well-defined merely by elections. Hitler was duly elected. The U.S. is a constitutional republic ( or was until 1/20/2009 ) and follows the rule of law.
Honduras Defends Its DemocracyFidel Castro and Hillary Clinton object.By MARY ANASTASIA O'GRADY //Hugo Chávez's coalition-building efforts suffered a setback yesterday when the Honduran military sent its president packing for abusing the nation's constitution....Honduras is not out of the Venezuelan woods yet. ...being pressured to restore the authoritarian Mr. Zelaya by the likes of Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, Hillary Clinton and, of course, Hugo himself. The Organization of American States, having ignored Mr. Zelaya's abuses, also wants him back in power...That Mr. Zelaya acted as if he were above the law, there is no doubt....The Supreme Court ruled his referendum unconstitutional, and it instructed the military not to carry out the logistics...The top military commander...told the president that he would have to comply. Mr. Zelaya promptly fired him. The Supreme Court ordered him reinstated. Mr. Zelaya refused....The attorney general had already made clear that the referendum was illegal, and he further announced that he would prosecute anyone involved in carrying it out. Yesterday, Mr. Zelaya was arrested by the military and is now in exile in Costa Rica.... They want to hide the fact that the military was acting on a court order to defend the rule of law and the constitution, and that the Congress asserted itself for that purpose, too. Mrs. Clinton has piled on as well....Honduras is fighting back by strictly following the constitution. The Honduran Congress met in emergency session yesterday and designated its president as the interim executive as stipulated in Honduran law. It also said that presidential elections set for November will go forward. The Supreme Court later said that the military acted on its orders....Mr. Zelaya also has another strike against him: He keeps rotten company....led the effort, along side OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, to bring Cuba back into the supposedly democratic organization....The truth is that democracy can be challenged from within, as the experiences of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and now Honduras, prove."...In failing to come to the aid of checks and balances, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Insulza expose their true colors.Insulza's true colors have been apparent for some time;
Americas: The push by the Organization of American States to admit Cuba as a member at its general assembly in Honduras is a mockery of its democratic charter. How did it come to this? Start with its leadership.... tyrants like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega are leading a new charge to admit Cuba as a full member ... OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza has sat placidly as Chavez and Ortega have masticated democracy in their own countries. Insulza is violating his own imperative to kick these tyrants out, because one of the rules of OAS membership is that all members be democracies. They've violated the Inter-American Democratic Charter since it was enacted in Lima, Peru, on Sept. 11, 2001. Now begins the descent: Cuba's pawns in the OAS are using their presumed legitimacy as democracies to open the door to Cuba's brutal dictatorship, rendering the idea of democracy meaningless. If that happens, the OAS will become just another anti-American talk shop, with Cuba driving the agenda.****Obama may, indeed, participate in the anti-American talk. ****Creepily enough, it will be financed by America, which bankrolls most of the OAS. The Obama administration is aware of this and thinking about yanking OAS funds if Castro sails in as full member. If that happens, it will mark the nadir of the Insulza record as secretary-general since 2005. It calls to mind that he was enthusiastically supported by Chavez. The U.S. strongly opposed Insulza, supporting even Mexico's Luis Ernesto Derbez, whom our policymakers distrusted as two-faced, to keep Insulza out. It now raises questions of what they knew of him beforehand. At the time of his election, Insulza declared: "The guarantee of respect for the fundamental rights of citizens, the rule of law, civil liberties, respect for minorities and for the institutions of the democratic system is crucial," he said. "It is imperative that the commitments adopted under the Inter-American Democratic Charter be wholly adhered to."
Today all those have been violated in spades in Venezuela and Nicaragua, yet Insulza hasn't raised a peep. "You took an oath as secretary-general of the OAS to protect and preserve the democracies of the Americas, to fight against tyranny and ensure human rights are protected. Nothing is more fundamental to human rights than the right to free expression, and yet this is what is being desecrated in the oldest democracy in Latin America, Venezuela," wrote the Human Rights Foundation in 2007, pleading with Insulza to raise questions. He didn't, and even dismissed the idea of expelling Venezuela when he was asked, leaving it with its democratic legitimacy intact. With standards now that low, Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua will have the green light to wreak havoc in their own democracies — shutting down opposition media, manipulating neighbors' elections, threatening to invade their neighbors because they know that with the pliant Insulza at the helm, nobody will stop them.
(A little history: Cuba was thrown out of the OAS not because it was communist, but because its bearded guerrillas launched a Normandy-style invasion against Venezuela to topple its democratic government in 1962.) With Venezuela now essentially a pawn of the Castro brothers, and Chavez pushing to move Cuba into the OAS as its 36th member, it looks like Castro's invasion has finally succeeded, not only without a bang, but without even an Insulza whimper.///
Obama weighs in on the wrong side for America and Honduras and aligns himself with Chavez, Castro, insulza and assorted other villains.
Obama says Honduran ouster was 'not legal' By BEN FELLER, Associated Press
WASHINGTON –...Obama ...declared that the United States still considers Manuel Zelaya to be the president of Honduras and assailed the coup that forced him into exile as "not legal,"... The country now has another president appointed by its Congress, Roberto Micheletti, who insisted that Zelaya was removed legally by the courts and Congress for violating Honduras' constitution and attempting to extend his own rule.... Obama said the U.S. must always "stand with democracy" even if doesn't like the results of elections...****It's a pattern of dictators to get elected and then "extend" their terms and suspend a constitution. For Obama not to recognize this, or pretend not to, puts him in the league of Neville Chamberlain and Jimmy Carter.****

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