Sunday, June 14, 2009

Obama gave out all the signs; why is anyone surprised?"Denial ain't a river in Egypt."
Jews "Very Concerned" About Obama, Leader of Jewish Organizations Says By: Ronald Kessler
***Rashid Khalidi was his very good friend, as was Rev. Jeremiah Wright with his connection to Louis Farrakhan. Khalidi was Obama's host at a dinner for Edward Said in Chicago. He was "in" with the Chicago Muslim and Muslim-African-American community. Aside from his espousal of "Leftist" positions, there was nothing to recommend him on the matter of Israel and much to question. For his Jewish supporters, as the Rev would say, "the Obama chickens...have come roost.These idiots are now pretending that these policies, ignorant and biased as they are, are the recent result of "something" rather than the beliefs of someone inculcated in anti-Semitism by the people around him for two decades and untroubled by any deep knowledge of history ( after all, how could Obama be concerned about the doings of Bill Ayers, since they occurred when he was only a child? ). He swallowed the Muslim line about Israel's lack of connection to the land and establishment being linked to European guilt over the Holocaust. (At least he professes to believe in the historical reality of that, although he likens it to the suffering of the Palestinians. )***
President Obama's strongest supporters among Jewish leaders are deeply troubled by his recent Middle East initiatives, and some are questioning what he really believes, Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.Though Hoenlein says he is only offering his personal views, the conference he represents is a political powerhouse that includes 50 major Jewish groups. Among them are the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), B'nai B'rith International, the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Zionist Organization of America, Hadassah, and the Anti-Defamation League. Hoenlein has been the professional head of the conference since 1986, overseeing its day-to-day activities as the coordinating body for American Jews on issues of concern in the U.S. and globally.
Jewish leaders "are expressing concern about what was said [in Obama's Cairo speech]," Hoenlein says. "I've heard it from some of his strongest supporters. It's expected from his detractors. Even people close to him have said to us that there were parts of the speech that bothered them."
Obama's speech to a Muslim audience in Cairo in early June was his second effort early in his administration to re-define America's posture toward the Arab world. In April, Obama traveled to Ankara, Turkey, to offer a similar outreach to the Muslim world.... troubled by his comments in the Middle East, especially his remarks to his Cairo audience. Others are concerned that, facing a multitude of problems on the domestic front, Obama has traveled twice to the Middle East without visiting Israel, America's stalwart ally in the region for more than a half-century."...questioning going on about what he really believes and what does he really stand for," Hoenlein says of Obama's outreach.
Reaction to Obama's speech has drawn a range of reaction from many Jewish leaders. On the right, some have condemned it as a revision of the long and close relationship between the U.S. and Israel. But many on the left who backed Obama were also surprised and dismayed over Obama's speech. Such reactions from major Jewish leaders have largely remained beneath the surface, exchanged privately among them.
Hoenlein's comments to Newsmax are his first detailed appraisal of Obama's speech and represent the first time a major Jewish leader has spoken openly about the erosion of Jewish support for Obama.****He's already elected, fools.****...during the 2008 election, Obama captured overwhelming support from American Jews, winning 78 percent of their vote. Despite the fact that Republicans are stronger on national security and the war on terror, Obama also won support from Jewish leaders who have been champions of Israel's security, such as the former Democratic mayor of New York, Edward I. Koch. Koch crossed party lines in 2004 to back George W. Bush... Hoenlein tells Newsmax, "I have no problem with addressing the Muslim world. I'm in fact in favor of outreach, and we here at the conference have done it for about 12 or 15 years, visiting Muslim countries in Central Asia and the Middle East. But the question is, what is the message they get? It's not so much what he says, but how do they perceive what he says?"
...the speech included a number of troubling references and comparisons. He cites the fact that Obama claimed America has seven million Muslims. That is a figure "Arab propagandists have put out," he says. "In fact, they say only six million, when in fact there's no study that shows even half of that."In 2007, the Pew Research Center estimated the Muslim American population at 2.35 million....Obama did not mention the Jewish people's ancient connection with the land of Israel.... no reference to the 3,000 years of Jewish connection to this land," Hoenlein says. "And that is again one of the propaganda lines that the Arabs have used: that the Jews are interlopers, that the two temples never existed, that there was never any Jewish history in the land of Israel. Even Yasser Arafat and others have used that argument because they're trying to deny the legitimacy of the Jewish state. I don't believe that was the president's intent, but not making those references I think is troubling." ****How does this jerk know "the president's intent"? His clear intent was to pander to Muslim beliefs, prejudices and mythology.**** Jews have claimed a connection to the land of their forefathers since 1400 B.C. Even after the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. and the dispersal of many Jews throughout the Roman Empire, many Jews continued to reside in Jerusalem through the centuries, surviving various invasions. An Ottoman census of Jersualem conducted in 1845 showed Jews outnumbered Muslim Arabs by almost to 2 to 1 and were the dominant ethnic group in the region.
Hoenlein believes that the most troubling aspect of Obama's comments in his Cairo speech was his effort to equate the Nazi killing of more than six million Jews during the Holocaust with Israel's struggle with the Palestinians over six decades and the suffering caused by the displacement of the Palestinians."There's no comparison between the Holocaust, even if it was an indirect one, and what happened to Palestinians," Hoenlein declares.****Why not given that PETA railed against "the Holocaust on your plate"?****...he quickly changed the subject, comparing Hitler�s genocide of the Jews to the Palestinian struggle....Obama said, as he transitioned from the Holocaust to the modern Middle East, "it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people ' Muslims and Christians ' have suffered in pursuit of a homeland." Hoenlein doesn't buy Obama's line of reasoning....Palestinian refugee problem,...came about because the Arab states declared war on Israel and warned the Arabs that they would suffer the same fate as the Jews if they didn't get out. And then they kept them as political pawns. Obama made no reference to the fact that "the reason the Palestinians don't have a state is because their leaders rejected every offer for peace," Hoenlein says. "Whether it was in 1937 or 1947 or 1967, or later on, up until Ehud Olmert's offer and Ehud Barak's offer, they rejected everything, even when they were getting virtually everything they had asked for." ****He made no reference because he really doesn't care, if he even knows. ****"The problem really is not what Israel does, it's that Israel is," Hoenlein says. "And they're not ready to accept the existence of the Jewish state."
...Obama failed to mention the other refugee problem involving nearly a million Jews, Hoenlein says. At the time of the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948, Jews populated all of the major Arab cities from Baghdad in the East to Casablanca in the West....after modern Israel saw its rebirth, Jews "were driven out of Arab countries penniless, and some of their families had lived there for a thousand years, and yet there was no reference to them." He adds, "This is not a question of tit for tat. It's a question of the realities that are communicated to a vast audience in the Arab Muslim world." ****Does Obama even KNOW this? His view might be limited to what he was told by the people around him in South Chicago for the past 20 years. ****"... the president's failure to mention the radical regime now running Tehran equally disturbing....the message to Iran that we didn't hear," Hoenlein says.... Sunni Muslim states, including Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and Morocco, are concerned...wanted to hear "an absolute assurance about the U.S. commitment not to allow Iran to be nuclear, not to allow it to continue to support terrorism, not to allow it to continue being the major state sponsor of terror around the world."
...Ahmadinejad, who declared himself the winner in the election in Iran this past weekend, has repeatedly called for Israel's destruction. In 2005, he declared that he is a devout follower of Iran's late ruler Ayatollah Khomeini. He has vowed to fulfill the Ayatollah's dream that the "occupying regime [Israel] must be wiped off the map." Asked if he sees Obama's perceived tilt toward the Palestinians as reflecting some of the views of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., Obama's former pastor who accused Israel of "ethnic cleansing" and "terrorism," Hoenlein says American Jews are concerned about Obama's policies today...****Sure, someone doesn't want it known that today's policies were predictable from yesterday's clear indications. ***
From Undivided Capital to Undeveloped by Jews by Michael Goldfarb,The Weekley Standard...recall Barack Obama's speech to AIPAC almost a year ago..."Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided," he said, only to later clarify that Jerusalem would instead remain a "final status issue." ... Obama believes "Jerusalem is a final status issue, which means it has to be negotiated between the two parties" as part of "an agreement that they both can live with." "Two principles should apply to any outcome," which the adviser gave as: "Jerusalem remains Israel's capital and it's not going to be divided by barbed wire and checkpoints as it was in 1948-1967."
Now the Obama administration has decided that Jerusalem must be divided and that the Jews must stop building in areas that should be handed over to Palestinians at some undetermined date in the future. The State Department is demanding "that Israel limit Jewish growth in these areas of Jerusalem, 'whose status remains to be determined' in negotiations." Apparently the third principle that must apply to Jerusalem is that Jews cannot build on land the Obama administration has set aside for other uses -- like appeasing the Arabs. A spokesman for the Israeli government responded: “I have to admire the residents of Iroquois territory for assuming that they have a right to determine where Jews should live in Jerusalem.”

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