Thursday, May 7, 2009

Islamic Values: A) Muslims Abandon 300 Dogs On Island B) Role of Women

From those relentless defenders of the faith at the Associated Press:
300 dogs dumped on Malaysia island eat each other By SEAN YOONG - Associated Press May 6, 2009
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia More than 300 stray dogs that were dumped on isolated islands turned to cannibalism after weeks of starvation, animal welfare activists said Thursday...the dogs cast away by villagers on two small, uninhabited islands off Malaysia...ignited outrage after activists this week released photographs showing dogs...Residents... caught the dogs last month and took them to the islands covered in mangroves. The villagers said they never intended to be cruel ...visited one of the islands ...saw several emaciated dogs "crowded and hunched around something - ..."Nearby, a weak dog was screaming because several dogs were trying to bite her," it said…...some dogs tried to swim back to their island, about a half-hour boat ride away, but it was not clear how many succeeded…
Note how the Associated Press neglected to mention the religious persuasion of the denizens of Malaysia.
And how their (Muslim) hatred of dogs might have been a factor in their actions.
Why would they leave out the ‘why’ of a story? ****It's not politically correct and the AP might be attacked...***
My Family Photo.
On the left is my wife, in the middle is my Mother in Law, besides her
is my sister and on the right is my sister in law.
No.. I believe that the person in the middle is my wife beside my
sister in law and to the right is my Mother in Law and left is my
My memory is not that good anymore and I do not know if my
daughter was with us that day.
I believe that she could be the person on the right but I am not that
sure. The only thing I am sure of is that my wife is in the middle...
Or maybe not?
Damn it...this is troublesome!!!

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