Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama makes too much obeisance to Saudis and Muslims

Obama makes a deep bow to the Saudi King in a precedent-setting display of submission. When Bush held the Saudi King's hand during a visit to Crawford, TX it was to steady an elderly man on a walk so as to preclude him falling. This was different.
Obama follows this up with two statements: "the U.S. is not, and never will be, at war with Islam" and "the U.S. isn't a Christian nation." He also spoke of the many contributions of Muslims to the U.S. 
First, we are not, and Bush said so from 9/20/2001 on, but they might be at war with us. We weren't at war with Japan before December 7, 1941, either, but we discovered that they were at war with us. One might have made the point that it was only the radicalized militarist Japanese under Tojo who were at war with us but the mass of Japanese supported them. Is there any evidence that the mass of Muslims opposes Radical Islam's terror against the West? Or is all the evidence to the contrary?
Second, the U.S. is very much a Christian nation with foundations based firmly on Judeo-Christian values. Muslims have made little to no contribution ( except, perhaps, a President). The Founding Fathers were imbued with J-C values and the Declaration, the Federalist Papers and the very currency proclaims this. Sharia law has no place in these values.The contribution of Muslims to the U.S. is notable only for its paucity.
Some of us are getting a little sick of Obama's apologizing for American policies that should be defended rather than attacked ... by an American President. To apologize for nuclear weapons because the U.S. used them--in an effort to save millions of American and Japanese lives by ending the war earlier--is gratuitous at least.

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