Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brief thoughts on a triviality not worth considering.

One cannot help commenting on the appearance of Levi Johnston on TV. In the Victorian era he would have been called "cad", now "sleazebag" seems appropriate. He has converted the Warholian fifteen minutes of fame into the Assholian fifteen minutes. The issue the prurient MSM has fastened on is whether Gov. Palin knew that her daughter was having sex with Johnston and his total contribution to the intellectual debate is his assertion that "his stuff" was at the Palin house. He doesn't say whether this was before or after he got Bristol pregnant. The issue is marginally important because he has called a significant political figure a "liar" and, while his credibility should be nil ab initio, it might fall of its own weight. One can only hope that this young man has a future appropriate to his intelligence and taste.

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