Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Demographic Islamic Bomb, Immigration and Tolerance of Intolerance of Non-Muslim Rights
****Belatedly, the Western world has awakened to the Trojan Horse allowed into our midst. While the fertility rate of Western-culture society is well below replacement and viability level throughout Europe and Canada ( with the U.S. only slightly balanced by immigration of Latinos ), Muslim populations already let in have a fertility rate vastly greater ( 1.6 to 8.1 ). It's a fact ( probably due to the subservient place of women in Islamic society and also polygamy )and had no dangerous consequences when restricted to "Muslim countries" (where it actually had the effect of retarding Muslim society ). Having brought the Trojan Horse within the city gates, there is little that can be done to stop Western society from being Islamicized. Moreover, Islam is not merely a religion: it is a complete societal system with Sharia law profoundly affecting the values and lives of anyone living in a Muslim-dominant country. It is intolerant of other value-systems and deliberately resistant to assimilation and adaptation to ( what are, for now, the )host cultures.
The remedy proposed by the clip seems somewhat weak being the proselytization for other religions. First of all, Islam punishes apostasy severely ( death being prescribed in the Koran ). Second, it is not merely a religion but a life system. The major things that come to mind to preserve Western culture are restrictions on further immigration ( although this is locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen )and pressure to further assimilation to Western values. This pressure can only consist of firm resistance to unassimilable Islamic practices such as the subjugation of women, madrassa education, preaching intolerance from mosques and Muslim media, and such barbaric practices as honor killings, forced and underage marriage and various other Sharia-sanctioned practices.***

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