Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lest we forget: it's important to know when someone is pissing on your boots.

The Art of Al-taqiyya March 08, 2005
From the Washington Post:Muslim opinion of America is changing...Yay! Woo hoo! They like us! They finally like us. Yippee! < /sarcasm >Get a grip, for crying out loud, get a grip! Should we care if they like us? No. Should we care if they say they like us? No. But more importantly, do they really really like us more? Or even hate us less? No.
This is, I believe, a direct result of negative press that islam hates Americans, as well as repeated demands by Americans that Muslims speak out against terrorism. Should what they say make a difference?
Al-taqiyya is a word used for the practice of Muslims blatantly lying to non-Muslims. Muslims consider the act of Al-taqiyya or lying to non-Muslims to be a good work. Especially if it helps support the war against the infidel. In case you've forgotten, you are the infidel, so am I, so is each and every American who is not muslim.
From "Islam's Shell Game" by Johnn "Trike" Schroeder
Muslims say one thing and think another, because their holy book allows such action in the furtherance of their religion. They do not punish the insane killers in their communities who strike at Americans, because they do not see the terrorists as wrong, rather they see them as warriors, honorable and holy themselves.
Thus there is no conflict with their religion, and no real dichotomy exists between the terrorists and Islam as a whole. If one acts as a neutral (for no Muslim speaks out one way or the other as a rule on terrorists and their acts), to create a sort of wall behind which our enemies can move and strike at us, they act as our enemies as well!
We have a decision to make here, just how are we to protect ourselves, when we allow such a tactical and strategic screw up to exist in our very midst! Who is killing us and our allies, MUSLIMS, not the little old ladies the airport security strip searches to protect us from illegal knitting needles!
We need to start seriously applying common sense while we still have a few people not yet blown up or under threat of being so.
The terrorists want one thing, (just as the Koran calls for), a world united as Islam or nothing! This is about world conquest as a religious duty.
Let us begin to understand that we face an enemy who will happily kill you, your family and friends and celebrate their own death doing it. It matters not if you are on the right or the left, they want us DEAD! Nothing else will do for them.
And unless we get in gear, they will do just that to far too many of us. as we wring our hands and cringe, crying out "Can’t we just get along?" If we do not act, that will be our pathetic epitaph.
So. All of a sudden Muslims like America and Americans? Yeah. Sure they do.

Al-taqqiya is a war tactic, the sheep's clothing worn by the wolves in our midst. and you can't see the forest for the trees.

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