Thursday, June 10, 2010

What IS Obama's fault about the oil spill is failing to keep the bureaucrats at bay.

Now another bureaucratic impediment to getting things cleaned up faster has emerged.
Pride, the Fall, and Barack Obama Posted by Erick Erickson
The Houston Chronicle is reporting the Netherlands, a experienced oil producing nation, offered the United States help in dealing with the British Petroleum spill very quickly after it started, but the Obama Administration turned them down, opting instead to coordinate with BP to stop the spill and contain the damage.
Made worse, with the Obama administration threatening criminal and civil prosecution of British Petroleum as well as Obama refusing to keep open communication with British Petroleum’s CEO, the coordinated efforts of the company and government could go nowhere with no one talking to each other.
Compounding all of this is a U.S. law “that requires all goods be carried in U.S. waters by U.S.-flagged ships, … prevent[ing[ Dutch ships with spill-fighting equipment from entering U.S. coastal areas.”****The Jones Act of 1920.****
Barack Obama wanted so hard to run from this disaster lest he be forced to accept responsibility for it has led to untold ecological and economic destruction.
****We saw that the NOAA plan to "boom, burn, and berm" was thwarted by the EPA which didn't want "air pollution." The President could have, and should have, over-ruled the EPA on the grounds that other kinds of pollution in this situation were far worse. He did not. The berm part, as requested by Gov. Jindal of Louisiana, to protect the delicate short-line was not implemented for WEEKS because the Army Corps of Engineers had to complete an "environmental impact statement" about the effects of the sand berms. Even after completion of this bureaucratic nonsense, only a fraction of the berms requested by Jindal were approved, and five weeks late. Surely the President could have waived the "E.I.S." in the interests of avoiding an obviously greater environmental impact. He did not. One wondered why oil-eating microbes, which came to the fore during the Xxonn Valdez disaster were not deployed. At the time ( about 25 years ago ), there was a dispute because a GE scientist wanted to patent effective bugs and it wasn't clear that living organism could be patented. There are actually companies that provide oil-eating microbes for this very purpose and they have been deployed around the world. What's the problem? The product effluent of the process is CO2 and water. Doubtless the EPA, which on its own designated CO2 as a poluttant ( we pollute with every exhalation! ), wouldn't countenance prodction of CO2 in order to "fight global warming." Again, all this nonsense should have been waived by an active President, rather than one hiding out from his responsibilities ( and frightened to piss off the environmental lobby.) ****

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