Thursday, June 24, 2010

Warriors in the field, wimps in the White House.
Obama's Muslim Outreach Fails
By: Ronald Kessler
Of all President Obama’s policies, none is more misguided than using politically correct euphemisms to refer to radical Muslim terrorists. Can you imagine Winston Churchill referring to the Nazis as “violent extremists” or to the London Blitz as a “man-caused disaster”?
Now we know the result of that policy. Instead of improving America’s image in the minds of Muslims, Obama actually has made things worse. Since Obama became president, the popularity of the United States in Muslim countries has declined, according to the Pew Global Attitudes Survey.
...Along with tip-toeing around radical Muslim terrorists, Obama has proposed, as ways to signal that we are good guys, holding a civilian trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City and closing the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. Those policy initiatives also have not worked. Instead, they threaten to put Americans at risk. Although calling radical Muslim terrorist acts “man-caused disasters” may be bizarre, it also signals to those fighting the war on terror that we really are not serious about taking on terrorism.
...The wrong way is to compromise our security by proposing to try the architect of the 9/11 attack in New York. The wrong way is to release CIA interrogation memos that fuel recruitment of terrorists and undermine the morale of the CIA officers and FBI agents who are trying to protect us. The wrong way is to close the prison camp at Guantánamo, where terrorists are housed safely away from the American population. The wrong way is to telegraph weakness by apologizing to the world for America’s imagined sins, as Obama routinely does when going overseas....the majority of Obama’s efforts to reach out to the Muslim world have been not only ill-conceived but also, as it turns out, counterproductive. Muslims are no more impressed by a leader who is afraid to name the enemy than Americans are. From the Nazis to al-Qaida, placating those who are intent on wiping us out has never worked and never will. As a Rolling Stone article based on interviews with Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his aides concludes, the real problem is the “wimps in the White House.”
****Is it possible, perhaps on some subliminal level, that Obama's personal agenda does not have a high priority for protecting and defending the Constitution and America-as-he-found-it? That he hates the British ( and probably the Jews )? Perhaps he really meant it when he promised profound change? It's far-fetched for someone who was elected President of the United States but perhaps that's the fault of the electorate (see The Invisible Gorilla discussions for failure to see the obvious.) For 20 years he sat in the pews of someone who spouted "Not God Bless America...God damn America!!", he was uncomfortable wearing a US flag pin in his lapel ( until he did it for expedient political reasons ) and his wife had no pride in this country until Barack came along. He goes along with the idea that we are dependent for our energy "on people who hate us" and yet he reaches out to those very same people ( also the same ones behind 9/11, and so many other terrorist acts against the U.S. and Western Civilization in general.) He resists tooth and nail simple defense of American borders. He insists, with only the Democrat political future in mind, that "comprehensive immigration reform" occur, meaning amnesty and citizenship for perhaps 20Million new Democratic voters. Is it proven that he is a "Manchurian President?" No, of course not. Is it possible, plausible even??? *****

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