Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama plays the crudest form of identity politics.
Obama plays the race card
GLENN: Remember you are the one that is dividing the country. You are the one. They are just people in the administration and the president, they just want us all to get together. We just, for all Americans, you are the one that is a racist. You are the one that is dividing people. PRESIDENT OBAMA: Despite the challenges we inherited, we've made great progress. When I took office, our economy was in crisis. Our standing in the world was diminished. Our healthcare system wasn't working for far too many American families... PRESIDENT OBAMA: We put our nation back on the path to prosperity with the Recovery Act. We are moving America forward one step at a time. But despite everything we've done ... our work isn't finished. Today the health insurance companies, the Wall Street banks and the special interests who have ruled Washington for too long ...PRESIDENT OBAMA: A few months ago we asked you to help us set our priorities for 2010 and tell us how you thought we could win elections at all levels of government. You told us your first priority was to make sure the same people who were inspired to vote for the first time in 2008 go back to the polls in 2010. .. It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos and women who empowered our victory in 2008 stand together once again...
Can anyone tell me what happened to our so-called "post-racial" president?
Throughout President Obama's campaign he spoke very little about the color of his skin. Consequently the left immediately deemed him our "post-racial president."
This term led many Americans to believe that the social order would follow suit, but since Obama has been elected our country has become the very opposite of a post-racial society.
Earlier this week our post-racial president himself embraced race with the sole intent of influencing an election. Obama excluded middle aged, white, male voters calling on "young people, African Americans, Latinos and women," to vote for Democrats in November.
"Post-racial" my butt! (If you're reading this now I bet you've been called a racist recently...finish reading my column here.)
*Immigration reform is the Left's most recent tool to point the racism finger at conservatives. If you only have time to read one thing right now click here to find out why Rep. Ted Poe (R.-Tex) says immigration reform could be a defining moment for Obama. — Michelle Oddis
****Immigration reform is, for course, Obama's ploy to co-opt the Latino vote ( and, ultimately, the votes of millions of illegals-made-legal-so-they-could-vote.)****

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