One is reminded of Edgar Allan Poe's story Dr. Tarr and Professor Feather where the inmates take over a lunatic asylum.We won't even go into the preposterous proposition that extending healthcare benefits to 32 Million new people will, mirabile dictu, save money; further, that the Medicare system can have $500Billion subtracted without hurting the quality of care; assuming that, with American costs of medical education, of malpractice insurance, and the many years of preparation necessary, American doctors will cheerfully suck up a loss of income and work harder just because Obama thinks it's a good idea.
Obama claims the no longer a Christian nation and, indeed, is one of the major Islamic nations. He bends himself into a pretzel to make obeisance to the Keeper of the Two Shrines and thinks it his top priority to improve relations with a Muslim world that tacitly seeks to convert our Constitution to Sharia Law and to restore to Muslim rule any land that once, however briefly, was ruled by Muslims; a Muslim world that creates terrorists in such proliferation that the mere mention of "suicide" killer means Muslim-killer.; a Muslim world that spawned the attacks of 9-11 and on embassies, Marine barracks, Khobar Towers, Black Hawk Down in Mogadishu, the Barbary Pirates ( and, now, the Somali pirates)and kidnaps and tortures our diplomats in Lebanon and Iran.
At the same time, efforts to shake loose of the monopolistic blackmail of OPEC are countered by refusal to drill in the Continental U.S. and offshore ( although China is working with Cuba to siphon off oil reserves off-shore of Florida) or to be sincere in an effort to employ nuclear power (gainsaid by shelving Yucca Mountain after 15 years and $10Billion of studies.)
While sucking up to the Muslim world, Obama spurns and insults our oldest and best allies, the Brits and the Israelis and reneges on clear agreements with the Czechs and Poles in order to appease the Russians, from whom he got nada in return. While being weak on North Korea and Iran, his advisors talk tough on Israel offering to shoot down Israeli planes on their way to Iran (Zbig Brzezinki) and to use American troops to enforce the artificial creation of a Palestinian state on the West Bank (Samantha Power). Terrorists are read Miranda rights and the "war on terror" is mislabeled as "overseas contingency operations"; likewise, terror itself is called "manmade disasters" ( not even distinguishing between accidental and deliberate ones ).
Presidents are required to decide things. There was no hesitation about blaming the Cambridge police department when he had no fact. On the other had, Obama sat on a request for new troops for Afghanistan for many months and, finally, being unable to decide between his leftist base that wanted no new troops and the military (which should have been dispositive in this matter ) who wanted 40,000, he "settled" on 30,000. Were he to judge a family couple with one Christian Scientist parent and one not, and a child bleeding to death and needing 3 pints of blood, Obama would provide 1.5. Recalling the legend about Solomon, Obama would actually split the disputed child in two.
One is defined by the people chosen to be around one. Obama’s choices of advisors ( and “czars”) is weird. One wonders how many would pass muster for high-level security clearances were the FBI not under the thumb of Holder’s Justice Department. Indeed, it is doubtful that Obama himself, given his history, associations, and geography, would have qualified for such clearance had he not been elected a U.S.Senator.
The latest nonsense is a redoing of "rules" for screening airplanes for terrorists. Admittedly, Bush's Transportaton Secretary Norm Mineta likewise had his head up where the sun don't shine and insisted on random screening ( in defiance of all sensible mathematics of stratified sampling and common sense. ) Now, to avoid too many screens, extra screening will be reserved for passengers who pop up on "intelligence" warnings. There are so many things wrong with this, space doesn't permit total coverage. Briefly, it puts aside screening for those coming from Jihadi places; it depends on both intelligence existing and on it being disseminated and interpreted correctly; worst of all, it requires intelligence information to be disseminated to thousands of foreign "screeners", many of whom might have sympathies with terrorists and who, in any case, will quickly and thoroughly leak the intel info. This will provide a map for terrorists to avoid profiles that pop up.
One is at a loss to account for these behaviors, mendacity and mental incapacity (such as his innumeracy and misunderstanding of history) being insufficient (although likely present.) It is as if Obama has moved us through the Looking Glass. Even his vaunted eloquence (e.g. "wee-wee'd up" ) often being words that are used to mean what he wants them to mean, no more and no less, irrespective of prior usage or lack thereof. As plausible as any explanation is that of the Bizarro World where up is down, black is white, evil is good and one's compass, whether moral, political, economic or military, is merrily spinning.
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