Sunday, January 3, 2010

On the chimera of peace between Israelis and Palestinians
Appeasement and the dangers to Israel
Caroline Glick has published an essay that every friend of Israel should read and memorize its lessons. Entitled, "a low and dishonest decade" Caroline documents Israel's adoption of appeasement as the center-piece of Israel's relations with its neighbors, adversaries, and allies and the disastrous consequence of this policy decision.
She writes: The past decade's major policies: the withdrawal from Gaza, the construction of the security fence, the acceptance of the road map peace plan, the Annapolis Conference, Operation Defensive Shield, the Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead all shared one central feature. They were all predicated on ignoring the lessons of the failure of appeasement in 2000.
Glick accuses and convicts Israel's leaders from Barak to Netanyahu of adopting a foreign and security policy framework that has failed and is endangering the Jewish State.
Glick makes a compelling case and it brings to mind the era of the lead up to the Holocaust. Historians have documented many times over how British Prime Minister Chamberlain thought that by appeasing Hitler he would satiate the dictator's appetite for conquest. After meeting with Hitler, Chamberlain proclaimed he had achieved "Peace in our time." In fact, he had whetted Hitler's appetite. Hitler came to believe that the mighty British lacked the stomach to stop his conquests. He was right. Soon after extracting peaceful concessions from Chamberlain, Hitler accelerated his military conquests.The result was the near destruction of the Jewish people.
It took Churchill, who understood that you must destroy evil, to correct Chamberlain's wrongheaded policies. Churchill refused to bow to Hitler. He confronted him and organized the coalition that eventually defeated Hitler's military.Israel would benefit from relearning the lessons of the Second World War. Continued adherence to a policy that is designed to appease Israel's enemies will continue to lead to disaster.
Pray that the leaders of Israel see the errors of their way and change course. Israel must start by combating evil and not trying to placate it.
****Of course, Ms Glick doesn't mention that the appeaser-in-chief is the American President and that Netanyahu must always keep in mind the intense pressure from Washington ( where Obama advisor Brzezinski recommended shooting down Israeli planes if they attack Iran.)****

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