CYBERALERT:Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
ABC's Sawyer Hails Obama: 'Buck Stops Here' an 'Echo of Another Young President'
Two quick items from Thursday’s World News. ABC anchor Diane Sawyer heard “an echo of another young President in another time” in President Obama’s "the buck stops here" taking of responsibility for the failed Christmas Day terrorist plot as George Stephanopoulos explained her reference: "John Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs....The President took responsibility, his popularity shot up. The White House is calculating with the President taking personal responsibility, they can put this behind them." ****Too bad popularity is the only criterion. Here, JFK exhibited two flaws: lack of understanding of the contingencies of the Bay of Pigs invasion and lack of confidence to follow through on it when air power was needed to rescue it from being chopped up on the beaches. Even so, it was acknowledgement of a stupid AFFIRMATIVE act which one can hope to avoid. In Obama's present case, he cannot REFRAIN from anything; what is needed is an affirmative change of attitude to acknowledge that we are at war with Islamist jihadis. It was remarkable that he finally admitted that we were in a war but only "with Al Qaeda." Does he admit that Major Hasan was part of that war whether or not he was officially a member of Al Qaeda? How about the third terrorist action this year on American soil ( whereas Bush-Cheney avoided any for eight years. )? The common element is that all acts were committed by jihadi Muslims. Or, does Obama's Islamo-schmoozing ( in Mark Steyn's trenchant description ) preclude this admission? A martian hearing Obama's speech about being at war with Al Qaeda might think that Al Qaeda was an organization, like Kiwanis or Rotary International, that had Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Buddhists as members.
When liberals argue that "profiling" ( which computer analysis --e.g. factor analysis--should do, by the way, rather than singling out un-PC categories directly} will miss the blond blue-eyed Scandinavian types that Al Qaeda will recruit in response, they fail to understand that the SUICIDE aspect of jihadi terrorism pretty much restricts it to Muslims or Muslim converts. It's quite unlikely that a Scandinavian type can be recruited to immolate himself or herself unless they subscribe to Islam. Does the Islamo-schmoozing Obama admit to this fact? I doubt it.( In any case, computer profiling always maintains a random component to pick up new factors. The straightforward technique, known to all save PC liberals, is stratified sampling.) ****
Minutes later, after a report on cold weather, Sawyer considered it evidence of “climate change.” She asked Sam Champion, a global warming devotee: “We've all been unnerved about talk about climate change. Is this one of those strange events that signals to you, even you, this is something brand new?” From Chicago, Champion, citing the "cold snap" in North America, Asia and Northern Europe, concurred "it certainly is a question that needs to be looked into." ****The alarmists have morphed from "anthrogenic global warming" to "global warming" to "climate change", with the last incredibly transforming into "any kind of climate change" as evidence that we should embark on an anti-carbon crusade. Liberalism now appears to be a kind of religion, as Communism was and Islam still is, with liberal jihadis bent on terror no matter what.****
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