Friday, December 25, 2009

If Obama is a disaster on domestic issues, consider his foreign policy.
Obama's top 10 foreign policy blunders
In London's Daily Telegraph, Niles Gardner gives a list of President Obumbler's top 10 foreign policy blunders
1. Surrendering to Russia over missile defence.
2. Appeasing the mullahs of Iran.
3. Ending the war on terror.
4. Announcing a surge while declaring an exit.
5. Apologizing to France for America's "arrogance."
6. Giving DVDs to the British Prime Minister.
7. Siding with Marxists in Honduras.
8. Bowing to emperors and kings.
9. Embracing genocidal killers in Sudan.
10. Throwing Churchill out of the White House.
****It's problematical as to which are the "top ten" because, for sure, there are many.Pushing for a 'total settlement freeze' in Judea, Samaria and 'east' Jerusalem didn't even make the list but it made the Palestinians even more intransigent than usual and set back any hope of peace negotiations immeasurably ( although the chance is nil, anyway.) Failure to back the uprisings in Iran is disgraceful from both a moral and strategic perspective. Indulging his Islamist proclivities at every turn, Obama's obeisance to the Keeper of the Two Shrines was partially covered up by his similarly bowing to the Emperor of Japan. That it is not just an innocence of diplomatic protocol ( or personal deference to kings and emperors ) was shown by his insouciant, indeed disrespectbul, treatment of Queen Elizabeth of the U.K. Perhaps he feels more Kenyan ( hating Britain for its colonialism ) than American ( remembering Britain as America's stanchest friend since the Revolution.)****

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