Thursday, February 4, 2010

Directory: Darlings of the Left

One has to wonder where Obama finds the nominees he puts to the Senate. It's either political expediency ( appointing Hillary and Bob Gates )or it's pandering to the extreme Left of the Democratic Party, who have compiled their own list of "darling" candidates that satisfy The Daily Kos, The Nation, George Soros, etc. To get on the list, all that is needed is a history (however shot) of stridency in either domestic or foreign affairs. Compromising National Security was dodgy enough in quiet times but Al Qaeda, Maj. Hasan et al have made this toxic, even to the often-tone-deaf Obama and his pollsters.
Justice at Dawn An Obama nominee falls victim to the realities of fighting terrorism.
It will be back to the future today on Capitol Hill, when President Obama's nominee to run the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel is scheduled for a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee. A year into the Obama Administration, Dawn Johnsen and her views on national security look more than ever like a relic of campaign nostalgia.
Back in the day, Ms. Johnsen's efflorescent critiques of the Bush Administration's antiterror policies while a professor at Indiana University made her a darling of the left. ...Ms. Johnsen claimed that U.S. detainee policies were "creating fertile conditions for the recruitment of terrorists." In March 2008 on, she advised that the next Administration "must condemn our nation's past transgressions and reject Bush's corruption of American ideals."
That was all before the realities of fighting a relentless global terror network imposed themselves on the Obama Administration...

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