Sunday, December 19, 2010

Palestinians don't even pretend that peace is possible but the Left (everywhere) ignores this
Bringing Bibi Downby Caroline Glick 12/17/2010
...Last Friday, Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian Authority's chief peace negotiator with Israel published an op-ed in Britain's Guardian newspaper in which he declared eternal war on the Jewish state. This he did by asserting that any peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians that does not permit the immigration of some 7 million foreign Arabs to Israel will be "completely untenable."

So as far as the supposedly moderate chief Palestinian negotiator is concerned, a peace deal in which Israel cedes Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem to the Palestinians as the Israeli Left desires will not be sufficient for the Palestinians. Unless Israel also agrees to commit national suicide by accepting 7 million foreign Arabs as citizens, the Palestinians will continue to wage their war. With or without a Palestinian state, as long as Israel exists, the Palestinians will continue to seek its destruction...

***Incredibly, the Left everywhere, even in Israel, ignores this statement ( indeed, it is because they could be expected to ignore it that Erekat could afford to be so candid )and blithely proceeds as if this admission and the actual position behind it don't exist. It's not just the Left ( e.g. the NY Times et al ) but the U.S. State Department as well. (Of course, this includes Barack Obama whose antipathy to Israel transcends even his Leftist nature. )We have already seen from the WikiLeaks information that other Arab governments care much less about the Palestinians than they do about the threat from Iran. Privately, they probably find the Israelis easier to deal with than the always-obstreperous Palestinians. The only cultural feature to distinguish Palestinians from other Arabs is not language, religion, literature or other usual characteristic: it's that they have historically always been a pain in the ass to everyone.It's no accident that "Black September" refers to Jordan's reaction to them and that other Arab countries have been singularly unwilling to assimilate Palestinians into their societies (or even to expel hundreds of thousands of "guest workers" after the Palestinian leadership endorsed Saddam's invasion of Kuwait). ****
Erekat Pulls Wool Over 'Guardian' Readers' Eyes by Gil Ronen
...What Erekat failed to note was that the Arab world bluntly rejected Bernadotte's plan for peace between Jews and Arabs and opted for war against the nascent state of Israel instead...The Arabs refused to accept even this plan, however, and the Jews rejected the plan after the Arabs did.
Bernadotte noted in his journal that the "Palestinian" Arabs had little desire for independence."The Palestinian Arabs had at present no will of their own. Neither have they ever developed any specifically Palestinian nationalism. The demand for a separate Arab state in Palestine is consequently relatively weak. It would seem as though in existing circumstances most of the Palestinian Arabs would be quite content to be incorporated in Transjordan." was the Arab side that was first to reject Bernadotte's generous***i.e.generous to the Arabs*** plan. The Arabs then launched a genocidal war against Israel - and lost it. The result included many more refugees, whom the Arabs now wish to put back into Israeli territory, along with their descendants. ***Erekat refers to the Palestinians as the oldest and largest refugee group but, by uniquely including descendants, he makes the two points tautological.(If you identify two rabbits, the more time passes the more rabbits you have.) Actually, more Jews were displaced from Arab countries after 1948 than were Arabs from Israel but they (and their descendants) are not counted because they were assimilated into Israal. However, they were forcibly expelled without their property and should be included in any plan for "reparations." What this candid admission reveals, however, is that the Palestinian Arab position is intransigent and intractable and that further concessions are useless and counterproductive. Peace will only come three generations after they have decided to make peace and cease fomenting irredentism among their children. So far, they have not started to stop doing so.****

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