Obama comes out unambiguously in favor of the Victory Mosque but insisted on sensitivity concerning the kook in Florida who wanted to burn Korans. He keeps insisting that Al Qaeda is a small minority of Islam but ignores the crowds cheering both 9/11 and every act of terror. It doesn't matter what percentage of worldwide Muslims is actively terrorist; it's clear that very large numbers approve. Are we really not at war with Islam? ( He cites Bush, that great theologian, ignoring the fact that Bush spoke right after 9/11 and wanted to avoid a violent backlash against American Muslims. Also, subsequent acts make it clear that Islam, or a significant fraction of Muslims, is at war with us.
Burlingame Rebuts Obama on Gitmo, KSM, and Ground Zero Mosque BY John McCormack
Debra Burlingame, a Board Member of Keep America Safe, responds to President Obama's remarks at today's press conference on Gitmo, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the Ground Zero mosque:
“President Obama’s remarks today, on the eve of the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, showed a regrettable disconnect with the American people who regard 9/11 as a world-changing event that touched all of our lives.
“The President dismissed opposition to a 15-story mosque and Islamic center at Ground Zero as a symptom of religious intolerance. The President knows this to be false.
“The American public, including the vast majority of 9-11 families, view the building of this mosque on Ground Zero as an insensitive and unnecessary provocation that will be viewed by our enemies as a symbol of triumph at the site of their bloodiest attack.
“The American public’s opposition to the mosque project is simply a call for respect for that historic site and for the innocent people who died there nine years ago.
“The President also made news today on another front.
“After dodging the question for nearly a year, the President signaled today that he is renewing his bid to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9-11, in a civilian court. This comes after the Justice Department and the White House, according to numerous reports, had apparently decided to shelve the issue until after the November elections.
“The American people and a bipartisan majority of the Congress are overwhelmingly opposed to bringing KSM to American soil for trial, as such a trial would likely last many years, increase the security threat to the city in which he is tried, and provide KSM a high-profile, public platform for which to spew his hateful jihadist propaganda.
“Justice for KSM and the other captured 9-11 co-conspirators can and should be delivered by the safe, secure and effective military tribunal system at Guantanamo Bay.
Obama Voices Strongest Support Yet for Location of Ground Zero Mosque By: David A. Patten
President Obama voiced his strongest support yet Friday for a plan to locate a Muslim community center and mosque two blocks from ground zero in New York City, saying constructing the facility there was an "inalienable right."
Burlingame adds that the president's castigation of the Koran burning while supporting the ground zero mosque site represents a clear double standard.
She added that the president could have encouraged that Muslim leaders to compromise and move the mosque to another location.
"The president refused to do that, and I think this is another example of the president appeasing and appealing and forbearing always to the Muslim world, without regard to how his citizens — now at 72 percent [opposed] — [feel about the site] being at ground zero," she said.
Burlingame charged that the president appears to be more sensitive to Muslim sensibilities than to those of people in the United States. "He cares nothing about the sensibilities of Americans. And if that mosque inflames passions of our enemies in terms of endangering our troops, well, that just has to take a second seat," she said.
"I just think that the president is completely out of touch with the American people," Burlingame added. "And that is sad to me, especially as we're preparing for this solemn [9/11 memorial] ceremony."
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