Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our crybaby President finds problems "too vast."
Obama: America's Borders 'Just Too Vast' to Secure President Barack Obama says America's borders are "just too vast" for the immigration problem to be solved with fences and border patrols alone. He said that a comprehensive solution is needed, instead, urging one that holds everyone accountable, from illegal immigrants to the businesses that hire them....Obama also spoke to the need to reform the system of legal immigration....He said the problem cannot be solved "only with fences and border patrols" but said the government should be held accountable for its responsibility to secure the border. Obama also said businesses should face consequences for knowingly employing illegal immigrants and that those who enter the country illegally should own up to their actions before they can begin the process of becoming citizens....****This is the fallacy of the "unacceptable alternative." Can't be done so anything has got to be better. Absurd! How do China, Russia, Iran, Korea so police their borders that trespassers are quickly found. Now, they all have an advantage: they have swift and extreme punishment for border violators so that it tends to occur only by accident. The Catch and Release program works for fish but it hardly is a deterrent for illegals. Send those who are caught to prison in Alaska for the one-year that is mandated under present law for entering the country without being inspected and you might find greater reluctance to break the law. Repeat offenders can get exponentially-greater sentences although that would require Congress to do something.. Those who facilitate illegals or drug smuggling could be prosecuted under existing law. The President asserts that it is logistically impossible to deport 11Million illegals ( he deliberately understates the number which might be as high as 20Million and which would drastically increase if he doesn't defend the border and rewards illegals with a path to citizenship.) No, a true amnesty program would be to announce that illegals who register within a month and undertake to keep ICE informed of their whereabouts can stay 5 years and then submit to deportation. Those who register after two months could stay 4 years, etc. and so on. Those caught after this amnesty period is over would be subject to imprisonment in Alaskan work camps for four years etc and be then deported. If the chance of being caught is small, the punishment must be large. Consider how easy it is to steal from the U.S. Mail. Also, read the potential punishment for copying a movie DVD as the thing starts up. Legal immigration is important to inspect those coming in, weeding out the disease carriers, terrorists and other undesirables ( Mexican law leaves what is "desirable" up to its immigration authorities without specifying what it is) and aim for immigrants who are high-tech, professional or entrepreneurial.U.S. Agriculture is not competitive because of illegal stoop labor. The jobs that Americans don't want either have to be automated or fetch sufficient pay to be wanted. The President's speech was a farrago of lies, exaggerations and disingenuities. ****
Obama: Military Overburdened in Iraq, Afghanistan
President Barack Obama says U.S. troops are carrying too much of the burden in Iraq and Afghanistan and doing too many things that are more appropriate for civilians, such as building schools and setting up justice systems.Obama says the problem is that the U.S. doesn't have a civilian effort as large as the military.He wants to change that by building up a "civilian expeditionary force" that can go into an area once the U.S. military deems it safe to do the work of building roads, bridges and schools and setting up civil societies.
Obama said that's one reason he's increased military pay while holding the line on domestic spending.****If that's "holding the line"...??? Didn't he espouse the idea of a civilian "force" as well-supplied as the military in the days of the ObamaJugend videos circling the internet?****

Obama commented Wednesday during a town hall meeting.

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