Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is Obama insensitive, stupid or just plain hostile?

The Settlements Aren't the Problem The Palestinians' beef with Israel isn't territorial—it's existential. By BRET STEPHENS
...Baruch Goldstein.., remember, was an Israeli settler who in 1994 entered the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and gunned down 29 Muslim worshippers....as last week's diplomatic eruption over the prospective construction of 1,600 housing units in municipal Jerusalem shows, the settlements are a constant irritant to the United States, one friend Israel can't afford to lose....The Israeli-Palestinian conflict isn't territorial. It's existential. Israelis are now broadly prepared to live with a Palestinian state along their borders. Palestinians are not yet willing to live with a Jewish state along theirs....other aspects of Palestinian behavior. For Hamas, Tel Aviv is no less a "settlement" ...Mohammed Dahlan, one of Fatah's key leaders, said the party was "not bound" by the 1993 Oslo Accords through which the PLO recognized Israel.****What does one do with people who openly violate the terms of treaties? Breach of contract voids the contract. Perhaps Fatah should be disbanded and shipped back to Tunisia.****
Then there is the test case of Gaza. When Israel withdrew all of its settlements from the Strip in 2005, it was supposed to be an opportunity for Palestinians to demonstrate what they would do with a state if they got one. ...****Actually, it DID so demonstrate!****...the most important thing Israel's withdrawal from Gaza accomplished was to expose the fanatical irredentism that still lies at the heart of the Palestinian movement....Israel withdrew from Gaza with assurances from the Bush administration that the U.S. would not insist on a return to the 1967 borders in brokering any future deal with the Palestinians. But Hillary Clinton reneged on that commitment last year...Israelis have learned that neither Palestinians nor Europeans can be taken at their word. That's a lesson they may soon begin to draw about the U.S. as well. ...
****A second point can be inferred from this column on why there won't be peace with Palestinians until generations after they have stopped inculcating their children with existential hatred against Israel ( and they haven't started to stop! ) Isn't it odd that we all remember the name of Dr. Baruch Goldstein, the lone Israeli terrorist? Of course, the reason is that the circumstance was so rare, one might say unique.Moreover, in the Goldstein case, it was likely a psychological snap rather than a cultural more.
Try to remember the names of the myriad Palestinians ( and other Muslims ) who have committed terrorist acts.News reports have long ceased to name them individually, so numerous are they. The only ones who recall their names are the Palestinians themselves who, as they did after Biden had left, honor their more efficient terrorist-killers with celebrations and naming streets after them. It is not gratuitous to remind Americans that Palestinians danced in the streets after hearing of 9/11... until Arafat realized it was a PR disaster, enforced a halt and then disingenuously donated blood.****

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