Saturday, October 17, 2009

Both sides of the appeasement process shows a lack of honor

We know President Obama as an appeaser: of the Iranians, of the Muslim world generally, of the auto unions and trial lawyers. He has also been the APPEASED when the health insurance industry tried to strike a deal with him that motivated their support for his Obamacare, until recently. What happened? The industry thought they had bought protection by promising to implement guaranteed issue ( no denial for prior illness ) and community rating ( most insureds would get the same rate.) However, they thought they would get new policyholders through high penalties for those without health insurance and certainly thought they would get a fair shake on the public relations front. The President's word could not be trusted, however, and it became clear that many would remain uninsured and then the President started to demonize the industry.
The American Medical Association, representing about 18% of American doctors, also tried to appease the President thinking that they would get "protestion" for endorsing Obamacare in principle. Again, the putative benefits promised to the AMA were withdrawn when the various Congressional plans surfaced with diminished reimbursements for physicians in the offing and penalties for doctors running up too much in medical costs ( as, for example, by prescribing too many tests or drugs, raising the issue of what they are to do when they cannot diagnose the cause of an illness with n tests and need n+1 or more.) The doctors have also been scammed although Obama trumpeted their "support" in the past.
AARP signed on to Obamacare despite the fact that $500B in Medicare cuts were contemplated from the getgo. AARP is only nominally a representative of American seniors; actually it is a sales arm of the Colonial Penn Insurance companhy and hopes to sell insurance with an inside track.AARP seems still to be on board although its members are leaving and forming other groups.
The drug companies, hospitals et al seemed to sign on because their promises of cuts of hundreds of billions of dollars over ten years was expected to be made up for by increased utilization. Now it turns out that the promises were accepted but the quid pro quo is absent.
The lesson of all this is general and specific: appeasement never works and Obama's word is worthless. Poland, The Czech Republic and Israel are taking notice.Unfortunately, so are Russia, Iran, North Korea and Al Qaeda.
DEMS BETRAY HEALTH CARE QUISLINGSFor anyone not familiar with the term “quisling,” it means “traitor or collaborator.” It entered the vernacular after WWII. Wikipedia provides the following etymology:After Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling, who assisted Nazi Germany to conquer his own country.This is why the term is so apposite for the people at the AMA, Big Pharma and other health industry players who collaborated with the President and congressional Democrats on Obamacare...these idiots thought genuflecting at the altar of ”reform” would buy them special treatment. They thought the beast would eat someone else. They were, of course, being played for chumps by Obama and the Dems...

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