Two descriptions of the Obama Doctrine have appeared:
Gaffney's: Undermining our friends, emboldening our enemies and diminishing our country.
Stephens': Beggar thy neighbor, bankrupt thy country, appease thy foe
'Reset' Translates as 'Capitulation' Frank Gaffney...during a visit to Moscow, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was made to look foolish when she presented her host, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, with a box festooned with a button marked "Reset" in English. The idea was to have a photo-op designed to symbolize President Obama's ambition to put U.S. relations with the Kremlin on a new, more positive footing after the bilateral strains of the George W. Bush years.Unfortunately for the Secretary, her crack State Department team mistranslated the term and the word on the box in Russian meant "overcharge" not "reset." Based on the President's decision announced to scrap the planned deployment of a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic, however, we now know, that Team Obama's version of resetting would best be translated as "capitulation."...the reflexive hostility of many partisan Democrats to the idea of anti-missile protection for the United States...horrified to see President Bush abandon in December 2001 with the formal abrogation of the ABM Treaty and the subsequent installation of interceptors and radars at two sites, one in Alaska and the other in California...Bush proposed a so-called "Third Site" in Eastern Europe. The Polish and Czech governments saw this ...their own security and that of their NATO allies ...against Iranian missiles...also saw it as a tangible expression of the U.S. commitment to their security in the face of ...Russian efforts to reassert a sphere of influence...the Russians assiduously opposed the deployment of the Third Site...absurdly claimed the ten interceptors in Poland would threaten the deterrent power of the many hundreds of nuclear warheads they could rain down on Europe. Vladimir Putin even threatened thermonuclear attacks on the Poles and Czechs if they did not abandon the NATO-agreed plan....Today, however, President Obama pulled the plug on the Bush Third one should be under any illusion: With his capitulation to Russia, Barack Obama has just affirmed what I call the Obama Doctrine: Undermining our friends, emboldening our enemies and diminishing our country.
The claim made by the President and Bob Gates, preposterous...given the intelligence community's past, politicized and erroneous judgments about Iranian weapons programs...The idea that we would eliminate now our capability to deal with them down the road is transparently a political decision, not a national security-minded one....the damage that the Obama administration has done to our own security and to our relations with key allies worldwide by resetting" relations with Russia in a manner that amounts to rank capitulation.
Summits of Folly By BRET STEPHENS
Beggar thy neighbor, bankrupt thy country, appease thy foe...pretty much sums up President Obama's global agenda—and that's just for the month of September. In 1943, Walter Lippmann observed that the disarmament movement had been "tragically successful in disarming the nations that believed in disarmament." ...the first American president to chair a session of the U.N. Security Council, choose to make the centerpiece of the Council's agenda? What else but nonproliferation and shifts the onus from the countries that can't be trusted with nuclear weapons to those that can. Is Nicolas Sarkozy, with his force de frappe, about to start World War III?... Should Mr. Obama join hands with Iran and the Arab world in pushing for Israel's nuclear disarmament, on the view that if only the Jewish state would set the right example its enemies would no longer want to wipe it off the map? If that's what the president believes, he should say so publicly, especially since he's offering the same general prescription for America's nuclear deterrent....Chinese tire makers,...last week were slapped with a 35% tariff because Mr. Obama owed political favors to his friends in Big Labor. Quite something for a president who last year sounded off on the dangers of "trade policy [being] dictated by special interests."...the G-20,...meets Thursday and Friday in Pittsburgh...agenda will be given over to such brainstorms as capping bankers' bonuses—...Now there's a way to attract the best and the brightest to the world's dullest profession. The G-20 also has no plans to put the brakes on further infusions of stimulus spending,...historical is the explosion in the debt-to-GDP ratios of the G-20 countries, which the IMF predicts will rise to 81.6% next year from 65.9% in 2008. For the U.S. the jump is especially pronounced—to 97.5% next year from 70.5% last. Only Japan and Italy will be deeper in the red; even Argentina looks good by comparison...What happens to countries with these kinds of fiscal burdens? They decline. ...Obama is earning kudos from the Russian government for his decision to pull missile defense from central Europe, even as Poland marked the 70th anniversary of its invasion by the Soviet Union...
Liberium ad Absurdum Do Zbigniew Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter help or hurt Obama when they say lunatic things?By JAMES TARANTO
Zbigniew Brzezinski,...who advised Jimmy Carter on national security, offers some informal advice to President Obama in an interview with the Daily Beast, an oddly named Web site:.."we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren't just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse."
This is insane on several levels. The USS Liberty was a U.S. ship that the Israelis accidentally attacked during the Six Day War in 1967--although conspiracy-minded anti-Semites suggest the attack was deliberate. Is Brzezinski a conspiracy minded anti-Semite, or is he suggesting that he would like to see the U.S. shoot down Israeli planes accidentally?...Brzezinski seems to be making a serious policy suggestion--one that represents a reductio ad absurdum of the Obama administration's foreign policy. The administration has bent over backwards to be conciliatory toward enemies and adversaries (Iran, North Korea, Russia) while taking a tough line with America's allies (Israel, the Czech Republic, Poland, Honduras, possibly Afghanistan). But even the Obama administration hasn't militarily attacked an ally to protect an enemy.
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