Obama Says Canadian Health Care Works, But Not a Good Fit for U.S. By Fred Lucas, Staff WriterCNSNews.com
President Barack Obama said Monday that he does not find the Canadian model for health care scary, and said it is wrong for opponents of reform to tout Canada’s single-payer system as a “boogey man” for health care. However, the president said such a system would not work in the United States. In a press conference in Guadalajara, Mexico,...a reporter asked about the references to the Canadian health care system in the current U.S. debate over health care reform:"...health care has been an issue of tremendous debate in your country, and Canadians have looked on with some fascination as our health care system has become a political football in your country. I'd like to ask Prime Minister Harper and President Obama whether there are elements of the Canadian health care system, particularly the public model, which are worth emulating.” Obama spoke about the rising cost of health care in the United States, claimed that 47 million people were uninsured, and that the current system is unsustainable.****This is the false dichotomy: the present system is unsustainable but that doesn't mean Obama can't make it even worse.The system is headed for bankruptcy but adding costs is hardly an answer.There are reforms that should be made: piecemeal, serially and with time to assess the effects. As someone said, Obama took six months picking a dog but wanted healthcare revolutionized in a few weeks.**** “We spend far more per person on health care than any nation on Earth,” said Obama. “Our outcomes in terms of various measures of well-being don't rank us at the top.” ****He repeats the canard, which he perhaps believes, about the inferiority of U.S. health. However, the WHO "measures of well-being" are largely irrelevant and that, based on results due to healthcare, the U.S. ranks at the top. See earlier blogs about this.**** “I've said that the Canadian model works for Canada. It would not work for the United States, in part simply because we've evolved differently,” Obama said.****Canada doesn't have rapacious tort lawyers in medical malpractice piracy as does the U.S., something Obama won't even consider fixing.Perhaps their system works for Canada because they don't know anything different; it wouldn't work in the U.S. because Americans know better and have had better experience. Even those without INSURANCE get quick emergency CARE.**** “We have an employer-based system and a private-based health care system that stands side by side with Medicare and Medicaid and our Veterans Administration health care system,” said Obama. “And so we've got to develop a uniquely American approach to this problem.”****The "employer-based system" is, in fact, a detriment to mobility and tax fairness since healthcare goes when employment goes or even changes and the self-employed pay with aftertax money. A simple change in the tax code will start separating employment and healthcare: tax healthcare benefits from an employer and provide an individual deduction for healthcare paid either directly or by an employer.****
Canada’s health care system has reportedly been plagued by a shortage of doctors, long waiting lines for treatment, and the rationing of care and denial of certain treatments. As a result, not a few Canadians come to the United States for treatment.
Gerard Anderson reported in Health Affairs about the “Use of High-Tech Medical Procedures (Per 100,000 People Per Year) in America, Canada and Britain. His data showed that high-tech procedures were far more common in the United States. Among dialysis patients, there were 87 per 100,000 in the U.S.; 46 per 100,000 in Canda; and 27 per 100,000 in Britain.For coronary bypass, the corresponding numbers were: 203, U.S.; 65, Canada, and 41, Britain. For coronary angioplasty, 388, U.S.; 81, Canada, and 51, Britain.
ABC’s John Stossel, in a July 16 discussion about health care on the Fox News Channel, revealed that there is such a shortage of doctors in Canada that some towns use a lottery to schedule appointments for people. “What stuck most with me was the town that had a lottery,” said Stossel. “So many people are waiting to get a family doctor, they can't get one. Once a month, the town clerk pulls names out of a box and he calls the lucky winners – congratulations, now you can have a family doctor.”
The health care plan supported by Obama and congressional Democrats would not create an outright single-payer system. It would, however, create a government-run insurance plan that would compete with private insurers. Critics say this is the first step toward a complete government takeover of health care. ****Not just critics: Barney Frank and Jan Schakowski acknowledged that this is their ultimate goal.****...“I don't find Canadians particularly scary, but I guess some of the opponents of reform think that they make a good boogeyman,” he said. “I think that's a mistake. And I suspect that once we get into the fall and people look at the actual legislation that's being proposed, that more sensible and reasoned arguments will emerge, and we're going to get this passed.”****Does he even KNOW what the actual legislation is? The House Bill is a pastiche of the wet dreams of every leftwing Congressional staffer with everything thrown in from memories of sophomoric socialist bullshit.Remember: anyone who isn't a socialist when 20, has no heart; anyone who still is at 40, has no head. **** Responding to the same question, Canadian Prime Minister Harper said, “With respect to health care, the only thing I could say is the Canadians certainly support their own system, and the rest is really an American debate.” ****Recently some Canadians sued for the constitutional right to supplement the inadequate state system with privately-purchased healthcare ( it is prohibited by the present system in most provinces.)****
White House Evades Questions on Obama’s Past Support for Single-Payer Health CareBy Fred Lucas, Staff Writer
(CNSNews.com) – A White House spokesman declined Thursday to clearly answer questions from two reporters about President Barack Obama’s 2003 comment that he supported a single-payer health care system... video...Obama giving a 2003 speech at an AFL-CIO event...he says: “I happen to be a proponent of single-payer, universal health care plans.”In 2007, U.S. senator and presidential candidate Obama said, “I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There’s going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out, or 15 years out, or 20 years out.”...critics of the Obama plan think his “public option” would be the first step toward a single-payer system....As recently as June, Obama told the American Medical Association that a single-payer system has worked in other countries...there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well,” said Obama. ...when you hear the naysayers claim that I’m trying to bring about government-run health care, know this: They’re not telling the truth.”
After accusing opponents of spreading misinformation White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked how showing the 2003 video constituted misinformation...
When CNSNews.com followed up with a question on whether Obama had changed his stated preference from a single-payer system, Gibbs did not give a yes or no answer...
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