Thursday, May 28, 2009

Obama "wants"... Israeli settlers either to break up or uproot their families or abort their future children.
****Obama "demands" of Israel to cease even settlement activity to accommodate natural increase in families. (Of course, he only "urges" the Palestinians to eschew vilification, blood libel and terrorism.)***** "Clinton signaled the raised stakes when she said Wednesday that Obama wanted new construction in the settlements stopped and rejected Israel's insistence that it needed to allow for such things as "natural growth.""He wants to see a stop to settlements," Clinton said. "Not some settlements, not outposts, not 'natural growth' exceptions. That is our position. That is what we have communicated very clearly." *****Given the source of this pressure, one might well assume that the Obama Administration wants the Israeli settlers to abort any children scheduled to be born after Obama delivered his ukase.If Obama the Messiah before his accession to political success, perhaps he now aspires to higher status, with the heady power over life and death.*****
Israeli, U.S. Officials Discuss Outposts - Herb Keinon An Israeli team headed by Intelligence Services Minister Dan Meridor, National Security Adviser Uzi Arad, and Netanyahu aide Yitzhak Molcho met in London on Tuesday with U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell to discuss Iran and settlement construction. Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Tuesday, "We must...find a way to make it clear to the Americans that there is not a direct connection between the outposts and Iran....It is not as if the minute that the last outpost is removed...the Iranians will abandon their nuclear aspirations. These things do not have to be directly linked to one another." Is Obama Looking for a Fight over "Natural Growth"? - Herb Keinon "A 'settlement freeze' would not help Palestinians face today's problems or prepare for tomorrow's challenges," Elliott Abrams, the deputy national security adviser under former President George Bush, wrote in April in the Washington Post. "The demand for a freeze would have only one quick effect: to create immediate tension between the United States and Israel's new government," he wrote. The question is why the U.S. is looking for this fight.But what if Obama, as some maintain, is actually looking for a public fight with Israel on this issue in order to win credit with the Arab world, and legitimacy among the Europeans as a leader who is willing to take Israel on when necessary?...if the US president picks a fight with Israel over the natural growth issue at a time when Israel has declared it won't build new settlements, expropriate land or give incentives to move there, then it could be perceived among some Obama being unfairly tough on Israel, especially since various verbal understandings were made over the years that Israel interpreted as a green light for natural growth.

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